Outgoing President Jonathan, Stop Your Reckless & Provocative Statement Now!
It was Joseph Goebbels, the famous Nazi Germany propagandist of the Hitler era, who propounded that, tell a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth. Also one can recollect that we are admonished that all it requires for the temporary victory of evil of good, is for good men to keep silent and say or do nothing.
The above sayings have become relevant in helping to shape our political space because of the need to ensure that Never Again shall we allow elected political office holders who have assaulted our collective trust, damaged our reputation, engaged in unconstitutional acts as well as denigrated our values as a people be allowed to tell lies to portray themselves as victims of electoral injustice against the reality of the peoples free will exercised via their franchise. It is in this light, that one owes it as a societal responsibility to expose the unPresidential statements of outgoing President Goodluck Jonathan lest it become the truth.
Ever since he lost the 2015 Presidential elections, outgoing President Jonathan has repeatedly at every forum embarked on in his character wild goose chase of lies, blackmail, propaganda through reckless, provocative, irresponsible and assault on the sensibilities of Nigerians statement that he conceded defeat in the election to ensure peace. This unpresidential statement by Mr. Jonathan is not only a denigration of the office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, but also exposes his ignorance on the principles of peace since it’s an indisputable fact that without justice, there can be no peace except that of the graveyard.
Mr. Jonathan has been economical with the truth by his continuous lyrics like a broken chord that he conceded defeat which has won him unmerited accolades in an election in which he tried via hook and crook means to subvert by ensuring that it didn’t hold through the alledged complicity of his administration floating the idea of an Interim government and when that didn’t fly, the idea of military putsch also came into the game plan, but were all exposed and the futility of the evil plans buried.
It’s an indisputable fact that as the general election date drew nearer, President Jonathan and his team saw the handwriting on the wall that the people were resolute to vote him out of office, measured via opinion polls survey, public commentary and comparison of attendance at political rallies based on his incompetence, non performance, running a government of buck passing and blame game on all societal issues, promotion of policy of ethnicity and religious sentiments to divide the citizenry, enthroning unbridled corruption, lawlessness and impunity.
It was at this point that President Jonathan and his team intensified their plans to subvert democracy, but it took the eternal vigilance of the Nigerian people as well as the resoluteness of the international community for the administration to come to terms with the fact that any attempt to undermine democracy will be met with unpalatable consequences from the people and the world.
In order to whittle down the momentum of the people’s democratic tsunami via the ballot box who had become disenchanted and fed up with the embarrassment and failed state status that Nigeria had become under outgoing President Jonathan, the government flew the kite for the postponement of the election in order to psychologically wear down the people if we all recollect the speech by the NSA Sambo Dasuki in London on January 22 which was vigorously condemned by all lovers of democracy both at home and in the Diaspora. But unfortunately the election was postponed through the use of the service chiefs, arm twisting and blackmailing INEC, the electoral umpire on the grounds of insecurity in 14 local governments in the North East and needing 6 weeks to combat it, with President Jonathan who is the commander in chief of the armed forces justifying it and at the same time ridiculing himself that he was kept in the dark of the security information by his service chiefs, oh what a commander?
Thereafter, President Jonathan administration began to execute another round of the game plan against democracy through his undemocratic and unconstitutional actions of renewed policy of division of the people along ethnic and religious sentiments, funding the airing of hate documentaries against opposition party stalwarts on national TV and other mediums, corrupting individuals and institutions through bribery with local and foreign currencies in a manner unprecedented in our political history. Not done with this violation of the law action of his government, President Jonathan in his desperation also engaged the services of individuals and outlaw groups to undermine democracy by sponsoring them to discredit the integrity of INEC, intimidate and threaten the electorate through open displays of violence (e.g., OPC, MASSOB, Niger Delta militants, etc). But to the glory of God, all the evil plans against democracy collapsed like a pack of cards due to the eternal vigilance of the Nigerian people who came out enmasse and took their destiny in the hands to exercise their franchise on Election Day despite all the hiccups, threats and intimidation of a looming Armageddon.
When all the evil plans against democracy on Election Day didn’t manifest due to divine intervention, doggedness and perseverance of the people with the support of the international community, they then threw in the last joker, which was unveiled at the national collation centre, Abuja, a mere platform for just adding up results that were already public knowledge officially in the states, through the misconduct of Mr. Godsday Orubebe who though not being a medical doctor, tried unsuccessfully to abort a baby that had already been given birth to but was rebuffed by the unmistakable and worthy of emulation calmness of Prof Attahiru Jega, to the glory of God and humanity. Please note that the elections had been concluded in all the 36 states and federal capital territory, Abuja and the results had been announced officially at the states collations centers by the chief returning officers.
Seeing that all their contrived anti democratic plots had failed due to divine intervention, President Goodluck Jonathan who had been placed under watch and tremendous pressure both at home and from the international community to do the needful, thereafter succumbed to the reality of the triumph of the peoples will and called to congratulate the winner of the election in person of incoming President Mohammadu Buhari of the APC, before the international community delegation comprising Nigeria’s former head of state, Abdulsalam Abubakar (Rtd. Gen.), former UN scribe, Kofi Annan, former South African President, Tambo Mbeki, etc who had been mobilized to keep watch on political developments moved into Aso Rock to admonish him to do the right thing and the rest, like they say, is history.
So, it’s the height of insult on our collective intelligence and democratic will, for the outgoing President Jonathan to be trying to distort history by being mischievous in saying that he conceded defeat to ensure peace when it’s an incontrovertible fact that he lost the 2015 presidential election, free and fair based on the peoples judgement of his woeful performance in office in the last 4 years. President Jonathan recent comments and conducts, exposes him as a man who is unable to come to terms with the reality of his electoral rejection by the Nigerian people via his often repeated blackmail and provocative statement, which ridicules him and lowers his esteem in the eyes of the world.
Therefore, it is important for us all to admonish outgoing President Goodluck Jonathan, to try and act as a statesman by realizing that seeking peace without justice is injustice to humanity and an invitation to societal chaos. If he has issues with his electoral loss, he should go to court and save us his rhetoric’s of lies, blackmail and propaganda of his reason for conceding defeat by his careless, offensive, reckless, insultive, irresponsible, irresponsive and barbaric statement which is an assault of the integrity of his office which continues to be denigrated by his comments and actions.