Outdoor Physio Business Strikes a Different Path

Outdoor Physio Business Strikes a Different Path

What do you do between finishing your Doctorate of Physical Therapy and your Board Examinations? Start a business, of course.

Meet Blade Rohloff from Michigan, USA. Blade is an outdoorsman. To the uninitiated that means he likes to hike, fish, hunt and scuba dive in his spare time.

Throughout his physical therapy (PT) education Blade recognised that for many outdoorsmen (and women) their physical disabilities are strong impediments to their full and thorough enjoyment of their leisure pursuits. Or in PT language, they are scoring low on their Patient Specific Functional Scale.

Blade recalled his own father developing a shoulder problem that forced him to drop the traditional Bow to hunt and to move to cross bow. And through his Social Media groups he reads of outdoorsmen lamenting that they can no longer climb into a tree stand or cross rough terrain.

Somewhat surprisingly Blade is also a technophile and it is through the marriage of physical therapy, information technology and the niche of outdoor activities that Blade is seeking to build his business. So meet the Outdoor Physio.

When asked why as a PT would he use the phrase Physio?, Blade explained that he grew up with the term watching and playing soccer. He likes the way it smoothly rolls of the tongue and feels that it is no less well known than the term ‘physical therapy’. And as Blade’s ambition is to take his business global, it is best that he uses the global term.

How will Blade go global? Through the extraordinary power of the Internet, of course. Right now Blade’s exact-match website at www.outdoor.physio is acting as a brochure for his Telehealth consultations. He can communicate with outdoorsmen anytime, anywhere (even in the Great Outdoors).

The real power however, will come from turning his website into ‘the’ information resource for the Good Health of Outdoorsmen. Blade will begin by producing relevant blog posts that he will promote through his Social Media groups and accounts. Next he will produce a couple of pamphlets that he will offer to visitors in return for their email address. And as he grows his database of outdoorsmen he will begin to offer payable products and services.

This strategy of identifying a niche audience and providing useful information will build a loyal following, which in turn will become a strong customer base ensuring long term business success. Outdoorsmen necessarily enjoy adventure and challenge. And so to succeed they must be resourceful and innovative; great traits for a person who early in their career is striking a different business path.


