Outdated (?) Trait #1 of a Successful Entrepreneur
I'm taking a bit of an issue with a 2020 article posted by the Atlanta Small business Network titled "Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs". I'm not saying the author is dead wrong, I merely have slightly different ideas on what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur.
The author states that the successful entrepreneur shouldn't "set out to be another player in a market, they (should) set out to be the best." I fully agree that it is important to have a clear purpose and vision when starting a new business or growing within an existing one. Where I disagree with this philosophy of win/lose is that a focus on "winning" in business can be a very hollow victory. Instead, why not carve out a clear intention of success via fulfilling a mission or purpose which does not necessitate someone/anyone losing. Being the best at fulfilling such a goal of the entrepreneur may include service, staff development and people achievement. All of these "wins" does not mean there is 1 winner and multiple losers.
How about all of us being our best achieving our mission and goals. Just a thought.