Outdated Education System!
Abdul Ghafoor chhachhar
Outdated Education System
A touchy thought came in my mind after watching an inspirational video about the Outdated Education system. For the moment, I was really surprised about his optimist thought and questions he raised about the existing Education System across the world. I believe that he is right, and I wanted to share some more facts which might everyone experienced or suffering due to self-negligence or maybe for some other reasons which resulted in the outdated system.
Indeed, for me, our existing education has been expired since long, but prolonged outdated teaching approaches caused many serious issues terrifying the learning at every stage.
First and foremost, the traditional concept of teaching and learning is common everywhere but mostly it is worse in Pakistan. Where all the stakeholders including state, partners, parents, teachers, and students as well, are far away from the basic requirements to track the student’s learnings. A child spends over 6 hours daily at school for information, knowledge, memorization and constant fear of failing! where is the leaning? Astonished, the parents are unaware of their children’s life or it is an act of negligence you decide? If your child spends one-third of his life without doing anything except memorization, information and knowledge in the twenty-first century (21st century) isn’t a kind of paid suicide? Where you have to spend money, long-lasting wait, stay away from your parents and the most important thing that students dreamed about it but unfortunately, even they do not know that a dark future is waiting for them anxiously! Why has to be done this for so long? Learnings are the feelings of satisfaction it does not require the memorization and information. Especially, when the world is on your fingertips just away single click. Then why every individual has to remember 2+2=4 while we have a calculator, historical events while we have a search engine for why to carry outdated books? with full of uncertainty and so on. I do believe that technology records and remember then why we do such things that are useless and vice versa than practical life.
On the other hand, I must mention the higher education system is horrible to me and hilarious. Most of the students in universities have been enrolled forcefully even they do not know about their field of interest and skills in which they are good. I had a chance to know about the recent entry exam of the University of Sindh Jamshoro through social media that how government officials are manipulating the education system. For me, it was a critical situation when I heard that thousands of students are unable to meet at a minimal percentage! then I realized it is all because of the outdated system! “a prolonged journey with unidentified goals” has raised several questions that how would the students know what they need and what is the best for them, and in which field they exactly want to go? Who has to decide the only teacher for sure not but all members and stakeholders of the education system who are responsible for their learnings? What resulted in the thousands of leaners have failed. Because it was all about memorization and information which is fake! Yes, it is!! So much so a shameful act had been soon after the declaration of results by a monologue to show Euphoria on the announcement that the University has to focus on the new enrollment based on setting new criteria for the below expectation students. A kind of sympathy surely not but business!
I do not know who set these benchmarks!
Last but not least, I still remember the art faculty there is the only department which offers political sciences course, but I have noticed during my studies that most of the students are being involved in political affairs actually it should not be. If it is the standard of each department to keep engaging their students in political affairs instead of their basic teaching and learning for sure we will have to produce politicians not doctors, engineers, technocrats but criminals. It is questionable that what is concerned with an ICT student with politics, biology respectively.
Now think for a while a child in the school who aimed to be a doctor or engineer what happened to him? When no one even cared and tracked his learning, at last, he becomes nothing but corrupt politicians or criminals an outdated education system produced dismantle minds not and educators!
Isn’t an outdated Education System or Paid Suicide. I don’t know what to say, I am speechless, but I do believe it is a crime!