Out Of Your Puddle
When thinking we've had more than enough rain, we ended up today with two more short showers, so I guess no matter what the extended forecasts are telling us, it's all up to Mother Nature.
Without a doubt, it was another Tuesday after a holiday that had me feeling as if I was following the bouncing ball, but at least I managed to keep from having appointments over-lapping one another.
I did manage to finally get the documents I needed for tomorrow's closing and then forwarded on to the buyer for review, and after placing a quick call, everything was favorable, so that'll be another sale under my belt tomorrow afternoon. For sure my buyer's exceptionally excited, which always seems to transfer onto me which is always a good thing.
An email came in early this afternoon from a banker which contained a pre-approval letter for the buyer I showed a home to yesterday afternoon, and not ten minutes later, the buyer was on the phone wanting to stop by my office for me to write an offer. Thank goodness I had an hour free, so I now have a good offer submitted to the listing agent. Hopefully I'll be hearing some good news before the night's out. I made sure they knew it was a very clean offer, because that's very important when dealing with sellers who're fearful over getting their homes sold. Before he left, and for whatever reason, we ended up talking about people who've had beyond coincidence experiences, and of course I had to share a few of mine which at times were blessings, and the others being curses, which is why I'd later be forced to say, “I really do hate being right sometimes.”
My late afternoon appointment at office, was a scheduled meeting I had with a couple who decided to list their home with me. I didn't have time to go out and get measurements or photos taken, but at least all the documents are signed. The home is an over-sized two bedroom bungalow located at 671 - 3rd St. NE which is only about a block away from the entrance to East Park, and since it's on 3rd St. NE instead of 4th St. NE, there's not nearly as many vehicles driving by on a daily basis. We priced it at $105,000 which is well within range of what similar properties are selling for, and especially since it was just re-shingled, new siding installed, and updated thermal windows, along with all the appliances staying which is an added bonus. It also offers a single attached garage, and a yard big enough for a garden. What I'm really hoping for, is that it won't end up as another property in the portfolio of one of our rental barons. I'm working as diligently as I can to get such homes sold to first-time buyers. Anyone who's into walking or biking, would definitely enjoy living close to the park and the nearby nature trail.
I can't believe the month of May is almost over, and for whatever reason, we've not had that many warm days, and since we've had so much rain, the humidity levels have been higher than normal, along with the gnat and mosquito populations. I did read today where Northern Iowa is likely going to have higher than normal temps this summer, and if these rains continue, it's gonna feel all the hotter. I personally don't mind the heat, as long as the humidity isn't high.
While in conversation today with a couple I've known for quite sometime, we ended up talking about all the craziness that's taking place in our nation's political arenas. I couldn't help sharing a confrontation I had with an elderly relative back in 2016 who was convinced I was going to vote for Hillary Clinton, and instead of keeping his trap closed, he went on to say his vote for D.T. was gonna cancel mine out. Well, at the time I was angered enough by his words to say, “If you think D.T.'s gonna lift you out of your puddle, you're sadly mistaken.” Well, I guess I was right after all, because he's still wallowing around in his 'poor me' puddle of self-pity.
Not matter which way I look at it, our country's headed for a dictatorship if he gets elected again, which is likely why more people are telling me they're getting their passports updated, just in case all 'yell' breaks out. Perhaps on a positive note, our living far and away from the metro areas, may help to insulate us against the chaos which will certainly ensue. I couldn't help sharing a conversation with my mother about a year before she passed in 2016. At the time and for whatever reason, she mentioned more than once how concerned she was about the direction our country was moving, and my soulful answer being, “Don't worry Mother, the worst of it won't come until after you're gone.” Well, we all know how our national elections turned out in November of 2016. Isn't it interesting how we can sometimes for only a moment, step into the future?
Tonight's One-liner is: The most beautiful people we've known are those who've known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of those depths.
original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2024/05/28/out-of-your-puddle/