Out of Work for Years? You CAN Get a New Job.
Dr Rochelle Parks-Yancy
Professor of Human Resources; Resume Writer-Slayer; Career Coach; Books' Author; Workshop Leader; Content Creator/Editor; I Am MY #1 Brand; Career Bad-ssery Expert
"Bernadette" quit her job in accounting after having her kids. She hadn't worked in 3 years. She and her husband filed for divorce and Bernadette needed a job. But, she was terrified because she hadn't worked in so long, hadn't looked for a job, hadn't updated her resume or anything.
However, Bernadette still had: 1. Her accounting experiences; 2. Her accounting knowledge: She always made sure to keep up with all changes in GAAP and other accounting practices; 3. She did excellent work at all of her previous employers and had good relationships when she left.
Her resume was updated. We practiced her Interview Prep. We talked about how to contact employers and previous relationships effectively.
We talked about how her focusing on a. Her accomplishments from when she was working; b. Relating said accomplishments to the job's requirements; c. NOT being apologetic or embarrassed about leaving the workforce for familial reasons.
Most importantly, Bernadette had to believe in her value. She had to NOT see herself as less-than because she didn't work for 3 years. She also had to relearn how NOT let hiring managers/recruiters define her view of herself.
It took 4 months. Bernadette starts her new job next week. We never know what life may bring. Always stay ready to get a new opportunity. That starts with always believing in you, job or no job.
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