“Out Of Tune”
(W)ord 1st Corinthians 5:6 “Your boasting is not good. Don’t you know that a little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough”
(O)bservation As an ex-musician this verse really hit me differently when I read it this time. It is saying to me, that when I feel that almost everything I am doing is what I feel God would have me to do but there’s sometimes I feel that I am just a little ‘Out Of Tune’.
A guitar has six strings. Five can be perfectly in tune, but if just one string is either sharp or flat, then the sound of the whole guitar is not appealing to those whose are listening.
I may be going to church regularly. I might be teaching a Sunday School class or leading a discipleship group or volunteering to help in church. I may even be treating my wife and family with great respect as well as doing the very best at my job with a great attitude. BUT! As this verse says: ‘..a little leaven leaven the whole batch’, which means the whole loaf of bread has no appealing aroma.
(R)esponse I see I have two choices. One, I can take time to tune the guitar. Two, I can just remove the out of tune string. That way I may not have the totals sound the guitar is supposed to make, but what I do have is one that will, at the least, not turn people away.
What I have found is that tuning is best. But if I am having trouble with that because I just don’t seem to hear the problem, wisdom seems to say,…. “Ask someone to help you get back in tune so that I may be able to use you at your best. I created you for a great sound and aroma that will draw People to Me.”
(D)ialogue Father and my Best FRIEND. How many times I feel I am doing Your will. I feel like I am in tune, and many times I am. But I find it important to check my tuning often in each area of my life to make sure that sour notes, (leaven) is not creeping in unexpectedly. In Your name I pray. We will talk again soon and often and I will be listening until we talk Face to Face. YOUR TURN
(Take Away) Have you checked your tuning lately?