
“This fish is staring at me. I think I look weird.” I told her staring at the fish bowl.

“Seriously!!” she said with that "not amused" face she had mastered over the last few months.

She went back to rummaging my cupboard for good shirts. Finally, she found a pale blue coloured shirt and passed it to me.

“Go put this on with your black jeans. And please tuck your shirt in.” She commanded.

“Are you sure? I mean this isn't really me! Didn't you tell me to be myself?” I asked her.

Her glare was response enough. I quietly did what she asked me to do.

“What do you think? Are you really sure?” I asked again after a few minutes of silence.

She sighed and then smiled. “You look fine. Now stop being nervous, eat your breakfast and go.” She said.

She was being extremely patient with me but I was too nervous to care. She must be anxious too; after all, it was both our futures at stake today. And it all depended on me. Shit! Why did I have to think that now? My palms started sweating now.

I ate my breakfast slowly which was unlike me but I guess I was unconsciously trying to delay the whole thing. She sensed this and held my hand.

“Hey, you can do this. Don't think too much.” She said, as gently as she could.

“Why don't you come with me?” I asked.

“No! We decided. I will talk to my parents and you will talk to yours. I did my part, now it's your turn.” She replied firmly.

“Come on! That was an unfair deal. Your father is not an ex-army man. And if my mother was alive this would have been easier.” I said and made my sad puppy face.

“OH NO! Don't you dare use the dead mother card now! No. No. No. I am not falling for it this time. You promised me. Now go and talk to your dad.” She said. She was more like my dad than I would care to imagine. So it was either him or her. I decided to take my chances with him.

During the whole commute from our apartment to Dad's office, I was on the edge. It was typical of Dad to call me to his office instead of home. A corporate setting makes it so much more dreadful. But I guess he won't be able to create a scene in his office, which has to count for something.

The building looked ominous, like the castle in video games where the princess is held captive. There you have to go through a dragon to get to princess, and here I have to get through one dragon to get another. I smiled; anxiety hadn't destroyed my sense of humour yet.

I entered the reception and before I could say anything, the receptionist smiled and said “He is expecting you.” and took me directly to his office. Stepping in, I realised that nothing had changed. Everything was exactly as I had always seen it. Not a big fan of change, my dad. That made me uncomfortable and panicky. My palms started sweating again.

“Hi, Dad! How are you? ”

“Am good. It's so good to see you.” He smiled and said. Judging from his eyes he was genuinely very happy.

“What will you have a cold drink? Tea? Of course tea, it's your favourite.” He said still smiling and told his secretary to arrange for it.

Finally, we were alone. I tried to say something but somehow words wouldn't come out.

“How have you been? How is your work? I read your articles whenever I get a chance. And honestly although years ago I was not very happy with your choice of career, today I can say I am very proud of you. Your mother would have been proud too.“ He said.

Damn. Damn. Damn.

“So what brings you here? You needed something or just wanted to meet your old man?” he asked jovially.

“A little of both I guess,” I said meekly. I didn't know where to start and was fumbling with words.

“It was about Mita.” I finally blurted.

“Your friend? Is she all right? Something happened to her?” he asked with genuine concern.

“No. No. She is fine. It's like...umm...I don't know...I mean...” I trailed off.

“Come on beta! Don't be shy. What's eating you? You know you can share anything with me right?” He encouraged. That was a bit helpful.

I took a deep breath and mustered all the confidence I could.

“Dad I really like Mita...I mean I love her and she loves me too. And with your permission and blessing, we would like to get married.” I said rapidly.

Phew... That wasn't so hard. I felt a little better but only for a nanosecond. He was silent. It was scary. The palms started sweating again. I averted my eyes and waited for what seemed like a really long time.

“Dad please say something!” I finally said breaking the awkward silence. I wasn't sure that was a good idea. I didn't know how he would react.

“But...but...that means you and her...” he seemed confused.

“But what?” I asked. Although I knew what he meant.

“But she is a girl!!” He finally said.

I was officially out.


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