Out of ignorance or fear?
Steve Dennis
Top Retail Influencer & Analyst | Strategic Advisor | Keynote Speaker | Award-winning Podcast Host | Bestselling Author of "Leaders Leap" and "Remarkable Retail" | Forbes Senior Retail Contributor
There are all sorts of reasons we stay stuck, fail to take action on the things we tell ourselves really matter, spin on items big and small.
Whether it’s deepening (or ending) a personal relationship, finishing our book, quitting a soul-crushing job or starting that new business we keep talking about, there is an aspect of our evolutionary biology that holds us back.
Vulnerability is scary.
Bringing our ideas, wishes and dreams into the light risks criticism–or even ridicule.
All too often, The Resistance is real.
Half the battle in overcoming our fears is to accept the reality that we crave both growth and safety at the same time. Yet there is simply no talking ourselves out of the fact of our hard-wiring. Our job, then, is to learn how to quiet the lizard brain and press on.
Ignorance is a different matter entirely.
Ignorance is often a major contributor to stoking our fear and anxiety. One needs neither an advanced degree–or any degree at all–nor dedication of substantial time and effort to see how much our society is burdened by irrational fears borne largely out of misinformation, misunderstanding and verifiable mistruths.
The fact is, in the developed world at least, most people have plenty of access to all the information they need to be reasonably well informed. Most folks have the tools to apply a decent level of discernment.
If it matters to you and you don’t know, your ignorance is a willful act.
In fighting our stuckness, in being willing to put our art out into the ether, in exposing who we are to another person, in contributing to a better world, it’s important to understand what holds us back.
Fear is a dragon to slay. Ignorance is a choice.
This post appeared on both my business and more spiritually oriented blogs.