Out of the (gift) box marketing strategies...

Out of the (gift) box marketing strategies...

We know the life of a marketer can be difficult. You tussle with unrealistic client demands, budget cuts and poor engagement - we’ve all been there and done that!

Whether it’s sharing our favorite marketing memes or some tips on how you can boost your marketing strategy, we’ve got your back.?

Tips to boost your Marketing strategy with gifts:

We love some out of the (gift) box marketing ideas. Maybe some of these inspire you too!

  • Product Launch: Giving customers an opportunity to try out a new product or service – while incentivizing them with a gift to do so – will essentially help you debut the new product/ service to the market.?
  • User Onboarding: Improving your customer experience is essential; especially considering 40-60% of new users log in to sites and never log back in again. What better way to spice up your onboarding than with a gift to welcome them.?
  • Meeting Follow-Up: After a meeting, it’s essential to retain the interest of a prospect or client. It’s also important to show appreciation after a meeting as this fosters a positive business relationship. Use our gift link feature to send a small gesture of kindness such as cookies or coffee. You don't need any delivery info - they will provide it.
  • Referral Marketing Rewards: Referral marketing can help you leverage your existing fan base to build relationships with new ones. But don’t simply stop there. Solidify connections with your audience by rewarding them for their referral efforts with a personalized gift invite.

There’ll be times you get it wrong, and times you’ll ace it. All that matters is that you ride the wave like a rockstar…. Maybe wishing for an “undo” button while you’re at it won’t be such a bad idea.?

Don't forget to make them laugh...

Humans love to laugh , and they remember if you make them laugh too. Even science knows it. Research shows only 20% of brands make use of humor in their ads, while 90% of consumers are more likely to recall a funny ad.

We're here to help!

Need help with your gifts? We can help you deliver with minimal details in 200+ countries across the globe. Get in touch to start a campaign today.



