Out of focus
Sangeeta Naik ..
Mid Senior Breakthroughs I Intuitive Habits I Leadership growth I Resourceful Influencing I Eco Advocacy I Performance tracking I Helping mid-career through stagnation to Leadership growth
My father once said, - it is injustice to the professionals who are expected for the first 20 years of their lives to obey orders and then when they are promoted at the end of it, they are expected to take momentous decisions!!!
Papa, as I may share with you, was in the governent of Odisha, and retired as Agriculture Director. But he started his career when he had the good fortune of working with the Commissioner, who was handling a huge lot of things in his portfolio and left papa, a young IIT Engineering pass out then, to take up whatever he pleased, provided he showed some result every month!
Well well, that is a huge blessing, I should say, to be oriented as a professional. The boss wanted the result, and it did not matter how he did it. Do you think a wrong process can ever end up in an innovation?
Are you innovating in your job all the time or some time?
I presume that you are saying yes.
But if you are not able to proceed, I can understand the circumstances to the extent of 99% .
The 1% is your responsibility?
Did you do anything about it?
I was reading that what we think comes about.
So what do we think?
Where is our focus? Is it in the fears?
This means that the mind is operative in the zone of the reptilian brain, which is our ancient brain that centers around survival. It protects us since the days when human beings were roaming in forests and preying for food. Life was always in danger.
So the brain is still there although it has become smaller.
The next is the mamlian brain where we feel the emotions. It is reflexive. We can not control how emotions come. Obviously it comes from our experiences in life so far.
But what we can control is our feelings.. which is in the neo-cortex part of the brain, which is the executive brain, and it is the biggest segment of our brain.
Still, we do not make use of it, when we are in fears.
Fears does not allow decision making. the executive function happens when there is a balance of love and logic;; immense rationality with the gut feeling holds a balance when the executive brain starts functioning ..
But the sky is the limit for the extent the neo-cortex brain can take you in the journey of success and achievement..
that we will discuss in subsequent editions....
But does this help you to start seeing yourself as to where you stand right now?
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