Out creation from negative thoughts
Himani Deswal
Sales Strategist I Founder I Women's Leadership Development l ICF-PCC Coach I UN Women Delegate
Many times people struggle due to negative thinking. There is always a harsh critic inside all of us that gets us in stress, depression, worry, and anxiety. It is because of this in a critic that sometimes we wrestle with ourselves resulting in lower self-esteem. This is the outcome of negative thoughts that start penetrating deep inside our minds. Negative thinking patterns sometimes are so strong that they devastate true relationships and lead to a bad effect on our health, our work life and spoil our normal life.
There are four effective ways in which people can create from negative thoughts.?These are:
- ?Recognizing and?stepping back from patterns of negative thoughts:
?Negative thought has patterns that are repetitive, and unhelpful. They create unpleasant and unwanted emotions such as fear, unworthiness, anxiety, depression, stress, shame, etc. as an individual we have to recognize and identify these negative thoughts Just when they are in creation mode. After this, we have to take a step back creating cognitive diffusion, in which thoughts are seen as thoughts and not reality. These thoughts are not to be taken seriously.?
- Stopping criticism and self-beating:
?If you have been a harsh critic of your inner self lately stop being that immediately.?we are always everything ourselves into perfect shapes thereby beating mentally for not being good enough. However, we forget that we are not placed on this earth to get the mission in a perfect way. Self-improvement eye vision is important but criticizing oneself and self-beating can lead to a lot more harm than it appears from the surface.?
- Coming to our senses:
Negative thoughts mostly flow from two directions, one dwelling from the past focusing mostly on problems, guilt, and mistakes done in the past. Secondly, if one has a feeling of worry about the future, that there will be a bad situation which will affect either their life or the life of their dear ones. Whatever is destined to happen will happen, and we cannot change it. However, we can always change the way we react to that situation.
- Asking questions:
It is often good to ask certain questions while going through a negative phase.?these questions can be;
- ?Is this thought helpful in any way?
- ?Is this a thought reality?
- ?Is this thought making it difficult for me to take effective action?
?We must take indications from our negative thoughts to change our future in a better way.?However, all of this starts from the present,?that is today. So if our present time is going well, our future will also be better than our thoughts.?