Out of the classroom, into the wild...
We're excited to announce that we're developing a workshop with the Institute for Outdoor Learning aimed at primary school teachers, TAs and leadership teams to help you take learning out of the classroom into your grounds and local woodlands. Tuesday 16th June 6.30pm - 7.30pm.
For us, connecting children with nature has always been key, but during these challenging times, it's more important than ever.
Outdoor spaces are safer in terms of contamination risk, but they also better enable social distancing. Please share with any primary school staff or governors you know. Free but booking essential. Facilitated by Nature Nurture CIC Director Natalie Ganpatsingh and Urban Rewilding Officer Teresa Verney-Brookes
Free but booking essential - https://www.outdoor-learning.org/…/Event-Regis…/EventId/6395