Forewords : Happy Sharing Negotiation Practices to come within the BEE EATER Book released during  2017.Inspired on Negotiation by Friends&Foes(2015) a book written by Adam Galinsky & Maurice Schweitzer.

"When to Compete & When to Cooperate" Brexit a world of new opportunities !

In the history of Europe,  British relations with EU friend or foe approach was essential in its large construction but also always controversial and sometimes dancing on two chairs. In all their specificities for example with the Pudding, United Kingdom always priviledged relations with the USA, and raised the Commonwealth, it all remained strong along years, but EU was not integrating UK into the Eurozone. As mentionned today, by the British Prime Minister Mr David Cameron defeated with the Leave victory, in every situation, there is an opportunity. Today is a great day, for Remaining Europe,  the British United Kingdom may see the split of Gibraltar, Scotland & Ireland a priori as all these territories are pro European and the new Britain composed of England and Wales. Goodbye England, Goodbye Wales and Britain, there is no point to be controversial anymore, we lost over 30 years of British Humour and bla bla bla. We used to like and appreciate Britain's presence for it's questionmarks and we will certainly miss it's contradictions. I trully regret that EU founding Fathers such as and especially Sir Winston Churchill, words in his speech of 1948 were so quickly forgotten by England & Wales.  Even if as it seems to me that "Grumpy" England & Wales made it to leave the Whitesnow EU Family, it is not obvious for Gibraltar, Scotland & Ireland yet, we may see the split of UK. It is not surprising that after 43 years of relations with "Grumpy" all the other member see their own chances and are also very happy although it is not appropriate for Europe as a lose-lose situation in the long term. EU without Britain, EU will minimize losses and maximize profits on Brexit and with no doubts let the United Kingdom of England & Wales compensate all their losses on their own in order to create a new Europe with a decent Financial Capital in Frankfurt and also Luxembourg. Time has come to put some order and take care of London Expensive City and its financial Supremacy, let's get the Sterling pound back to a beautiful "Stone" age and devaluate it swiftly. No Doubts EU may hire some cheap British financial talents, nevertheless time to understand there is now a clear gap between EU & NON EU Citizens on the islands, a gap as Europtimists that annoys all of us. To me this is really sad to see and imagine already at the entrance and all Airports of the "British" Islands, the raise of walls and gates of EU Citizen NON-EU Citizen. British Citizen to evolve as a non european union member country... The Pudding and silly walks will slide... I am following the paths of french Général De Gaulle with his speech of 1963 on England joining the EU market and his phrases of 1967, "L'Angleterre je la veux nue", "England I want it naked".... I am today also reading about Robert Schuman and the European Union "founding fathers"  since years and along to the European Foundations. The time has come to have a strong New European Zone without the so called famous "British Humour" that I sometimes appreciated, I will certainly miss it for a while as it is part of Europe and my education since my first visit to "Cambridge College" at the age of 16 to study William Shakespeares language & culture. It was during 1991, with friends when I dicovered the island and with an Oxford/Cambridge rowing race. Brexit was beyond my understanding at that time even if London was amusing me with the cars driving left. I could however not imagine a "BREXIT" before this 24th of June 2016. Oh dear friends or foes from the United Islands, what a mess now, and set of betrayed hopes for a Europe of Defense. As a positivist I raise my voice to Welcome back to EU to Scotland, Ireland, Gibraltar for the next referendums. I am looking forward to the fall of the Kingdom and to see the Europtimists of the north leading towards independence from UK and EU integration. With the old age of the respected Queen Elisabeth II and Windsor Duke, it may be time to see the split of the established United Kingdom with these further Independence requests and see during next months and years a solution to the "British case" once for all. By doing so, we Europeans are heading towards Peace, and offering to Pro-Europeans a piece of Land of the on the Islands where we feel European, thanks to Scotland & Ireland. "God Save the Queen" the United Kingdom (UK) is not an option anymore. As Sir Winston Churchill quoted "Let us go forward together" as a leitmotiv on Negotiations and Interactions in future. I enjoyed all my visits within the Aerospace Industry from my first business visit to Farnborough 1998, ath the time evolving with my American colleagues from   Massport, Bostonian Offices while we prepared an "International Aeronautic networking Reception" at "Sir Winston's Cabinet War Room" downtown London. Nowadays  also sometimes recalling the discovery and visits of England & Wales travelling from Stratford upon Avon (Shakespeare home) to Birmingham stopping on the way in Droitwich prior enjoying the Swansea Waves with our international groups of EM Strasbourg Students. Always enjoyed to end up in the city of London to share a Pint with my local European and british friends during 1999 and every year so far as possible since, its been a while now, over 15 years. All along the way, i kept track on yearly visits with training sessions led for UK Procurement teams from VINCI(2007), FORD UK(2007), BAYER UK(2009), AXA UK(2009), BNP PARIBAS UK, (2010), IPSEN UK (2011) , SCHLUMBERGER ABERDEEN (2010), AIRBUS GROUP UK 2012-2013-2014, among a few along the past 10 years. Thank you to all my friends and Business Partners for wawing while I was visiting Bristol and visiting the assembly lines of Filton with Airbus Group and the staff in Broughton since 5 Years.  



Time has come to get rid of all blocages within the EU 28 let us separate as you wished and move on to reshape the future for a safe and prosperous environment for EU Citizens and all UK's, Europeans and Non Europeans, citizens. Stand alone is a very courageaous decision under the impulse of England & Wales, the whole United Kingdom has made, we will respect it, smile and adapt without concessions. WE TOGETHER ACHIEVE MORE is a given. Europeans and the ones who do not paddle and are not Happy Inside the boat are better and Happy Outside. A very sad day or "Black Friday" this 24th of June 2016 for Europe and Europtimists but to be honnest I am delighted to see also these chances and opportunities for the Old Continent as the British relation with EU was not such a big Romance, nor love story.  Even if, I recall the funny movie "A nous les petites anglaises" during my studies at the University Robert Schuman and EM Strasbourg, European Capital, and do hold marvellous memories. Following the management practices, the ones who do only look into their own pockets have to be OUT as it is a team effort. From my experiences, I only saw office politics and national interests in most board meetings I attended over the past 15 years. Today it is all about a question of a new future for Europe a common Strategic Destiny. The current European Politicians have failed with the European Integration of the United Kingdom, England and Wales, or Great Britain but apparently not with Scotland and Ireland. Let's see the split of United Kingdom as there is today no common Strategic Destiny. After this vote as it has been over the past 30 years, a long dicussion of cup of teas, today the tea times are gone. God Save the Queen, to me a James Bond is not enough anymore to help for the future of England today as the british citizen and sterling pounds are losing their quotes... England always had a kind of Benny Hill or Mr Bean approach to  serious subject matters such as being part of a large community. LEAVE is a great and respected decision, but for us, it is better immediately and asap not in two years, so we can cash in our  price increase. EU wishes the British citizens of Wales, England or Britain "Goodluck alone on the Islands" and Welcome to Scotland & Ireland. The division and isolation may cost British Citizens billions along the next weeks, months, years, and to suffer from a so called marvellous double scissors effect and price attacks from all around the globe and from EU business partners. See my article and Post on the Subject entitled BREXIT : Friends or Foes ?  Surfing on a Price Attack Strategy listening to thefabulous melody of " You Got to Pump it Up" from Danzel on Sales Prices increase for Salesmen EU Services & products and "Going Down on Love" for UK Prices by John Lenon. A wonderful double Scissor effect with inflation... A Happy Inside EU Buyer as prices down with a lovely boosts due to the high currency effects and Price pressures and a Happy Outside EU Salesman as all Prices Up for Products&Services delivered  to the Islands. 

As a CEO and global traveller over 50 countries, I always and still believe in the EURO ZONE and the future looks bright for the ones who do so as there is so much to achieve together 27 are stronger than one alone that is for sure. Embrace the strength from France to Poland passing by Finland to Spain. Europtimists always standing for a better future  as a group ! Let 's leave it to the markets to shake up the London City and its financial future. Buyers & Banks to remove all European Investments , with your neighbors, to Frankfurt & Luxembourg City for the new safe European trade zone that is forthcomming. I am delighted to abort the british bla bla within  operations and future strategic decisions. Goodbye England & Wales I will miss my dear Fish & Chips friends, see the Kingdom another time for some delicious Green Peas or Haggis in Aberdeen enjoying an Irish Stout with my Scottish friends. Our Discussions may be followed by Irish Coffee or Distillerie visit of a single malt Whisky or with a boat tour to Islay, as a Tourist visiting Scotland. Scotland, where we feel welcome as Europtimists and surrounded with friends and not foes. I had this morning bacon and eggs and recall the taste of Marmite for  a magic english breakfast while my yearly visits to London over the past 15 years. I also enjoyed a delicious cup of tea prior posting this note on the expected Black Friday. A Black Friday on a "Rainy day" like the song, the expert Georges Soros predicted and described it as such, all Banks and Financial Services impacted around the globe. A 2 years frame is far too long for the Europeans, Out as fast as possible so taxes and price increase will educate the "Silly walks" of the Monthy Pythons, better thinkers, who left European Union asap. A new EUROPE is on it's way, future looks bright to trade with the ones we want and share the same European values with other EU Citizens. No place for independentists and separatists in a community is a given. EURO 27 will REMAIN whatever with the friends and without the foes ! Let us discover the scisssors effects and see how the "Milk the isolated Cow" strategy impacts on the islands during the next weeks, months even years prior a full exit. But I will always support the Scotland & Ireland as I understand and know that we are the best whiskies & beers friends and that we do appreciate each other reciprocally as Europeans. EU without Scottland and it's pipes is not an option for the Frog Company, but EU may not allow these minorities to keep and remain In as it is a "All or nothing" approach again. As EU Leaders let's keep hope alive with some pipes symphony still.    

To conclude, a special set of congratulations to the the separatists that rang the division Bell, but I am disgusted to see, their arrogance of the speech and the smiles of these groups. Liars such as Nigel Farage among others who contribute to the current European Chaos. As mentionned by Mr Guy Verhofstadt, it all looks alike flee of rats on a sinking ship. A politically correct  response to these men is appropriate, regarding their positions on BREXIT and lies goes as follow with a quote of the British Nobel Price Rudyard Kipling...  Goodluck with your Young Generations and the Future !

"I could not dig; I dared not rob: Therefore I lied to please the mob. Now all my lies are proved untrue And I must face the men I slew. What tale shall serve me here among Mine angry and defrauded young ?" 

Although, as parrallely  and also defined by the Irish Professor of Political Science Mr Brendan O'Leary from the University of Pennsylvania a potential multi-national consensus and compromise is still possible with the split oand independence of Ireland & Scotland, United Kingdom is today defacto disunited with this vote. For EU, the case goes as to every negotiations or Divorce, let's get the best out of it and here there is no feelings evolved full Power to EU Taskforce. Let's get the best out of it to be Happy Inside & Happy Outside EU for EU 27  members.

For the Frog company, business as usual, got to "Milk the Cows" to survive without the difficulties of the ambiant British Weather. For Europeans, Sunny & Happy days ahead for the Summer.

Frédéric Schwaller


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