Out of the box but within the context
I started looking into a new functional area in our system and because it is new, I looked for similar implementation in our line of business.
Basically looking for similar boxes as my box.
Apparently, I did not find similar implementations. Maybe because there are not any or maybe because it is not highlighted enough by the vendor or maybe I did not search thoroughly enough.
After failing that, I decided that Instead of looking for similar line of business, I will look for different lines of business but within the same context of the functionality.
Like the first one who took a wooden clothespin, glued a magnet to it and used it to hang the kids drawing on the refrigerator door.
The need for hanging is the context and the refrigerator door is the line of business box. The clothes hanging mechanism is the other line of business box within the same context.
You should try this: Refrigerator Magnet Crafts
So, to frame it in a generic terminology, I decided that Instead of looking for similar boxes, I will look for different kind of boxes but within the same context.
The main advantage for that is that other people in my team, easily relate to the other line of business and understand much better the analogy and motivation.
It also helps to grasp how we are going to implement the same.
Thanks for your interest,
An interesting way to look at it, albeit very abstract. Any more examples from the IT world?