Mark J. Grant
"Chief Global Strategist," Colliers Securities/Author of "Out of the Box" and creator of "Grant's Income Strategy" which provides outsized yields with monthly cash flows.
My commentary is focused squarely on the markets. I write about politics, and other issues, when I believe they will have a significant market impact. As I watch what has happened in Israel, I think there will be a significant market impact that will hit the markets hard, and perhaps very forcefully. I would be very cautious now about both the bond and equity markets as the attack in Israel could spiral out of control not only in the Middle East, but also in our own country.
It is certainly possible that there could be attacks on Jewish organizations in the United States. This will not only cause a political uproar but may devastate the American markets. While I am not predicting this, I cannot ignore the possibilities. We may also see other countries getting heavily involved in this conflict which may also have damaging effects on all of our markets.
My advice is painfully simple. Be exceptionally cautious now. This incursion could cause all sorts of issues that I can only imagine, as the terrorist’s attack. My commentary today is a Warning and one that I believe should be taken seriously.
"Neither a wise nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him."
???????????????? ?-Dwight D. Eisenhower
Stand back now. Do not allow the “train of the future” to run over you and your investments.
Do NOT throw caution to the wind.
??????????? Mark J. Grant
??????????? Chief Global Strategist
????????? ??Colliers Securities
??????????? [email protected]
??????????? U.S. 954-999-0933