Out of Body: Through the eyes of a mystic
By Heidi Ford
Written 3/31/2024
The other world does exist, what was true then is still true now...
At first, it was enjoyable to lift off the bed and float around. However, I soon realized as I felt the popcorn ceilings with my fingertips that it was a reality. Something unseen lured me beyond the corner of the ceiling where a dark portal pulled me through further and further away until suddenly, I thought, "I better not go any further or I may not find my way back. Instantly, I opened my eyes back in the body and a face peered at me less than an inch from my face. The gray-faced, dark-eyed creature was staring into my soul. Its head was upside down while its nose pointed downward with no noticeable mouth and no eyelids. In shock, I knew it was real, but I had to be sure.
I wasn't afraid and the only light that appeared seemed to be coming from within me. The mistake I made was reaching out and touching its nose. I felt its cold, dead flesh though it was alive. When I confirmed its presence with one touch of its nose my nose started running and I became full of fear. It took a very long time to get free from that fear, but I overcame it. The creature had a body similar to a human with legs and arms, but the face was not right. I vaguely remember it wearing an old, tattered robe that hung over one shoulder and its bare feet. But I will never forget the oversized eyes filled with blackness and its unrelenting gaze with no movement only waiting for me to move or respond. He was way too close to my face, and it was angry that I came back to myself failing miserably to lure me into the darkness.
I became very comfortable with controlling these experiences--leaving my body until that day when I discovered the other side of the world.
The day at my friend's house was the day a Chinese dragon met me on my way up to the higher realms. I ordered it to flee and it fled with a "No!" out of my mouth. As I rose higher surrounded by gray skies and dark clouds, I saw the earth from a distance with white rings circling the outside of it on my right. When I found myself in a heavenly-like state I didn't see much as I floated with my arms outward while something more than love's word could describe coursed my veins. It could have been hours or minutes I do not know. It was love-times a billion and I didn't want to leave that feeling but I also longed to be back. When I began the journey back into my body, I saw the colors of the layers of my skin as my eyes lined back up with my eye sockets in my body. I don't need to tell you at this point I had a body outside this shell of a human frame. When I opened my eyes and woke within myself, I was filled with that indescribable love, and I couldn't speak for 3 days afterward. The tingling in my face lasted for a full day and I wasn't sure it would end. Finally, I looked in the mirror and touched the face of a girl changed. I remember searching for a photo of the dragon that I saw and lo and behold I found a drawing by an artist that matched perfectly. The dragon was underneath the foot of the archangel Michael hovering over the earth.
You thought my fictional tale was a story, didn't you? Well, all of my experiences appear fiction until I pull you into the reality of my life. You must know that the other world exists no matter what beliefs you hold. If it was true, then it's still true to this day.
Technology has interfered with humanity in ways I do not approve nor understand but my experiences were real.
I've lived numerous times during this life and remember my soul coming out of my chest on one occasion when I was singing and, on another day, I peered at that light in the darkness--a glowing blue ball of light outside my chest.
You can hurt the body with your schemes and devices, but you cannot touch the soul. You can attempt to steal a child's innocence, but all is seen, and your darkness is always in view. Oh, how I fear for those who intentionally bring illness or pain to a lost soul or an innocent child for they know not the darkness that waits for them on the other side. If they knew they would change their ways at all costs--fearing that place.
Those vipers who bite and poison their victims will surely find themselves soon in a place where you cannot scream but only watch the eyes of a hollow creature staring them dead in the eyes with no escape.
If I desired to escape this body and watch your progress and your schemes, I could but it's not necessary because someone else watches and sees all you do and one you will have to give an account to so be warned. I do know I will not relent in bringing those down who cause me daily suffering in the inward soul. If necessary, I can bring all of the darkness with me and wage war. But the war will not be required for the enemies of my soul will fall into the pit they created for the souls they torment.
Today, I'm very much alive and I have not forgotten the strength I hold. We hold more power within us than you will ever behold. The evil devices can only go so far and then comes the world behind the veil. It's apart from religious hypocrisy and manmade divisions, a world beyond...out of body.