One must be reminded because a battle is lost the war has not. Likewise because a battle has been won the war has not. Sadly, as a movement we grossly underestimated our enemy. And yes they are an enemy. But what we have also learned that the breadth and scope of said enemy is far deeper and wider than we could have ever envisioned. Now is not the time for reaction. It is a time for reflection, research and study.
What we have learned so far is that this enemy will use every tool available to them to achieve their goal. We have also learned that this enemy extends far outside the territory we are striving to maintain. There are worldwide organizations whose goal it is not to take over these United States but to destroy it. We have witnessed the influence of the ccp through the Biden Crime Family Syndicate as they further their efforts to destroy our nation both from within and without. The financial injections of George Soros, the ccp, the central banks have thus far successfully destroyed our election process through the strategies and tactics of the democrat party and also of those in the republican party who have sided with the tyranny and treason.
What we can expect in the near future is a total teardown and breakdown of our Constitutional rights as instilled by God through our founding documents. The left has successfully taken over the three branches of the federal government. They left’s first goal is to destroy President Trump through another false impeachment. Their intention is to bring him to trial even if it’s after the transfer of power to the Biden/Harris administration. The reasoning behind this is not only to destroy President Trump but to also destroy the populist movement that has formed throughout these past four years.
The left has demonstrated that there are no boundaries they will attempt to achieve their goal. This is a lesson that must be learned and remembered. They will lie, cheat, steal, destroy, collude and murder those who get in their way. These tactics have been exposed throughout the summer as our cities burned and the left did nothing to stop it. In fact there were factions of the mainstream media who encouraged the violent riots that swept through our cities. Cities burned, businesses destroyed, illegal guns handed out to everyone and anyone who wished to participate in the takeover. Collusion between factions of the United States government, media, technology, corporations, financial sectors and the ccp have been exposed with solid evidence that has been successfully diverted from the public up until now. Media platforms that wished to expose the evidence have been and are being censored and shut down in order to orchestrate this coup.
We have been propagandized that a pandemic has accidently escaped from the wet market in the Wuhan Province in China when all the evidence points to a biological attack by the ccp upon the world in this attempt for worldwide domination. Conflicting reports of the possible danger or lack thereof have been so confusing that one does not know who or what to believe. Statistics have been falsified in order to support the claim that shutdowns or lockdowns are necessary to combat this virus. Yet major corporations and businesses are allowed to stay open while the backbone of the American economy, small businesses, are destroyed. Why? Because the major corporations and the financial sector are major contributors to the democrat party.
The rights of the American people are being systematically destroyed. The right to assembly is gone. The right to peaceful protest is abolished. The right to worship is being decimated. Free speech is obliterated. These are actions that are taking place as we wrestle with what’s next on a daily basis. The right to a fair and legal election is no longer supported. The left will now control all factions of the government and will oppress the people by any means necessary. The right to bear arms will be attacked next. The filibuster will be abolished making way for the destruction of the Electoral College. The House and Senate will be controlled by the left making way for Washington D. C. and possibly Puerto Rico to become states to further establish a deeper democrat majority in both houses,. There is also talk of splitting California into three separate entities in order to pack the House and Senate with larger democrat majorities making it impossible for the two party system to function any longer. Once this is accomplished the Supreme Court will be packed to further the policies the democrats wish to invoke so there will be no legal challenges to their directives. In essence, the executive and judicial branches of government will be as a figure head branch with no balance of power to represent the people as intended by our founding documents.
We are in a time of dire straits. But reaction at this time is pointless. We were caught unawares as to who and what our enemy and enemies are. It is now a time to regroup and wait to see what oppressive actions this new government will take against the people. They have stated their intent and mean to follow through with their rhetoric. The inauguration takes place on January 20th. The two new senators from Georgia are sworn in on January 22nd. That is when the changes will take place. Actions are already taking place to destroy factions of the populist movement. Insurances are being dropped from those known Trump supporters. 75 million people who voted for the Trump/Pence ticket have been labeled domestic terrorists and there are repercussions that will be invoked when these hit lists start to surface. Lockdowns will remain in place because that is how the left has demonstrated their control over the people of this nation. Businesses will be destroyed and people will die from other means than this virus whose recovery rate is over 99%. Information will be censored and means of communication will be revised to control any attempt to unite to regain our rights. This is not a police state. This is the new Communist States of America. Our economic system will not be one of capitalism or even democratic socialism. We are entering into a phase of a two tier economic system and along with this system comes slavery. Those at the top will need the lower sector to perform the function of silent robots in order to maintain the lifestyle they wish to maintain and those on the lower spectrum are replaceable and expendable. What the left hopes to achieve is a society that will bow to their will as they force stricter and stricter controls upon the populace. Their goal is to make the American people totally subservient to the new government as they dole out the sustenance they think we need with no conscience as to the freedoms which they have wrested away from us.
The picture I paint is one based in reality as these are the policies the left have stated they wish to accomplish. What we as a people must do is to be patient. What will happen, and history has repeated itself time and time again, is the left will start to feed upon their own. This has already started to happen as those who supported this coup but might have recently said something that the far left does not agree with are being attacked and attempted to be destroyed. This will continue all the while the left will oppress the populist movement. Any faction of the left that shows any sign of moderation will be labeled as insurrectionists, ostracized and placed in the same camp as the populist movement. The left means to destroy those who oppose them and their ultimate goal is the death on the populist movement and in order for that to happen they mean to obliterate any person who opposes them. Yes, the left is on a path of genocide as that is the only means they have to suppress the populist movement. What will also happen is the restrictions that will take place will also affect the people who supported this coup through the election. Seeing these restrictions they will become disenfranchised with the oppression that is invoked upon them. And some will join the counter revolution that will be necessary to take this nation back.
The main thing that must take place is the readjustment of our election process to maintain stability in our government. But if the goals of the left are achieved this readjustment will not occur without a counter revolution. But now is not the time to instigate such a revolution. That day will come. Times will be harsh and hard until then. What we have witnessed is the culmination of a movement that started decades if not a century ago. This nation has always had enemies and we had become complacent as to our system of government. The extent of this coup caught us by surprise as we thought nothing like this could ever happen to this nation and to we the people. But it has and now we will suffer the consequences for our complacency. But in our suffering we must learn. We must plan. We must study. And we must remember. We as a people fought and defeated the strongest army in the world to become a free people and nation. It did not happen overnight. There were many hardships that had to be endured. Many lives were lost. Much blood was spilled. Many battles fought. Before the first shots were fired plans were discussed. Strategies studied. Tactics theorized. We face this mountain again. Do we take on that task or remain slaves to those who think they are our masters? This is the question we must answer. From out of the ashes will come a new nation.
Ric Wells
Common Man
#treason #ccp #revolution #conspiracy