Out Of Africa/Too
Thurman Aldridge
President/Director at World Spin Music.(BMI)Publisher/Songwriter.Actor.Transcendental Diplomat
I came out of Africa,but she is not out of me.
So deeply entwined in my genes, yet so easy to see.
Thankful am I to the Master Mind that lays bare the truth.
The love I swear that's in my heart, has been there since my youth.
Like the challenge of survival, takes not a holiday.
My desire to be free, shall never go away.
Do you not understand, the power that's in me.
To endure the defecation, in chains upon the sea.
Uprooted from my Mother, and transplanted to new soil.
Barbed whips cut my back, and I was forced to toil.
But now my blood brings nourishment, as it irrigates every land.
The courage bequeathed from my Father, made me a stronger man.
The hooded Illuminati, tried so hard to take my mind.
Forbidding me to speak, the tongue I left behind.
But I who took the oath, Namruht so called by name.
Became my Brothers' and Sisters' Keeper, because I was so ordained.
I came Out Of Africa, under lock and key.
But the continent entire, is my Family Tree.
So let your spirit shine higher, to surpass the tenth degree.
Because when I am not with you, in my prayers you'll be.
Yes, I came out of Africa, but she is not out of me.
And although some may deny it, you also are out of She.
But I will stand like Kilimanjaro, for you to live both happy and free.
And when my body is prone, think not of my spirit as being absentee.
For we are the World, moving pictures all in one frame.
And what it was a century or second ago, will never be the same.
But like the rivers Niger and the Nile, through all memories will remain.
Let yourselves become The Lions Of Serengeti, and Keepers Of The Flame !
Be Proud. Be Bold. Be Brave. Mas lembre, A Resposta E Amor.
For without it, you are nothing ! !
By: Thurman L. Aldridge
World Spin Publishing- copyright 2016