Our word selection decides the price
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
A seller has two parrots to sell. Green parrot cost more than that of multi coloured parrot who is more attractive. One buyer went to the shop and asked for a parrot . The seller told him the rate. Customer asked why the beautiful parrot costs less. Seller's reply. ..Mithu say welcome to customer. Green one: Namaskar how are you? wish you a happy day. Multi coloured : "Are chor aya maro Kaato Aaaaaa". .Customer kept laughing and took the green one. Words are very important in our life. A practical exam we have a beautiful lady in our neighbours or college or office who is being neglected by everyone due to her words which are very hard. The difference between a good speaker that of his audience are word manipulating, arranging and felling attachment.
A good speaker with right word gets good response. Poise: Poise means weight, words which definition carry weight .weight which can damage a soul or even can let you die. Power : Words have power to attract, to love, to hate. Business difference are some how due to word manipulating power. Some can easily influence anyone due to there words attractive power. Position : Position is something that you can acquire with words even you are son of a king you must have word to rule, to command and of course for your persistence. You Must have your own words because you are the most valuable resource in the world. You have right to explore, express and communicate.
Remember words can divide people, can hurt body even soul . so be careful while talking in important situation. You will agree that words are really such a powerful tool to express one's thought and feelings. It is one's best friend and biggest enemy too. The point is how you select it and how you use it. Generally we do not pay much attention over it as we think it comes out naturally. If we closely watch around us any time then find that it's all game of words. Someone is trying to please someone through his sweet words. Someone is getting hurt by someone's harsh words. Someone is trying to convince someone through his/her witty word selection. Our word selection generally represents our upbringing and background.
Here I would like to especially mention that while talking to ourselves it is really important to pay attention on our words. It highly impact on our self worth and confidence. So, Don't underestimate the value of words in our life and use it attentively. As we all know, Once spoken words can not taken back. You can’t always have a good day but you surely can have a bad day with a good attitude, Learn to move very fast from your disappointments be it losing money or whatever.
The truth is, just because you love your friends that doesn’t mean your love for them is their passport to cross your boundaries. Your boundaries are your self-love & your love for them shouldn’t invalidate your self-love. A lot of mental toughness is focusing on things you can control, & choosing to not focus on the things out of your control. Pursue your dreams until they become reality, then hold on tightly. Enjoy loneliness & reinvent yourself with it,
Commit to your goals exclusively & put everything on hold. Stop complaining & change what you don’t like. Sometimes you’ve to stop worrying, wondering, & doubting & just have faith that the things will work out. Tame your ego & aim to see the situation for what it’s. If you’re spending more than you make you’re going to go bankrupt or even worse live just to pay bills. Don’t settle for a crappy job, crappy friends or a crappy significant other. Life offers you an endless amount of possibilities if you speak sweet words. Expectation is the rule of all heartbreak. Once you decide to get over it, you’re free to enjoy the things the way they are rather than the way you think they should be just by talking the right words. Listen to yourself. If your heart is telling you to spend more time in nature, take a break, go for it. Don’t ignore the message talk well and just Chill.!! Cheers!
Challenging Norms and Empowering Others | Leadership Coach | Brand Builder | Keynote Speaker | Author | Entrepreneur | Mentor | Motivator | Impact & Strategy| Creative Content Writing ??
2 年Word - That Invisible Dagger!????