Our Wellness Coaching Interventions
Wayne Lambert
If you are selling your business, let us help you achieve the transition you desire | [email protected]
LAMBERTS Coaching Interventions
LAMBERTs coaching programs are instrumental in improving the quality of life of companies, individuals, their families and the communities in which they live, and as such we deliver health and wellbeing motivational coaching, and work/life balance initiatives. For organisation’s LAMBERT encourages them to take proactive steps to mitigate psychosocial risks for their employees, and helps them realise the economic and societal costs of stress and other mental disorders on organisational performance, therefore encouraging employer interventions. We aim to address this area through a comprehensive approach to assessment, prevention, and appropriate intervention, and look at the cost to organisation’s from an engagement, productivity and leave point of view.
LAMBERT lets companies understand that a highly engaged workforce drives profitability, productivity and customer ratings, while reducing shrinkage, turnover and absenteeism. Psychological and Physical coaching programs are able to deliver such a rich array of potential human benefits, and have great potential to enhance the performance, productivity and wellbeing of organisations. Additionally, coaching can decrease psychological strain among managers, and improved personal development among staff. LAMBERT serves as a health education resource, and helps individuals, community organisations and corporates to build the skills needed to access needed resources and establish effective consultative relationships. We provide a wide-array of options and coaching tools, such as:
Health & Well-being Portal
Virtual Coaching
- Telephone-based
- Web-based
- Video
- Paper
- Tablet
- Devices
- Mobile
- Etc
We guide and support our clients to make sustainable lifestyle changes that will help them achieve their optimal health through a combination of annual assessments, and healthy coaching programs. From the assessment and needs analysis results we can develop health improvement support programs which include the following:
Individual and Group support
- Physical activity support programs (Personal training, yoga etc)
- Nutritional support programs
- Weight control
- Disease Management / Primary Care
- Smoking Cessation
- Mental resilience support programs
- Goal and Objective setting support
Prevention is LAMBERTs main priority, so that we can assist with the reduction of any risk factors from progressing into serious health conditions, and for those individuals with chronic conditions we help them to manage by utilising our specialised wellbeing plans. Based on our findings from the initial assessment and needs analysis LAMBERT can also offer the following:
Health Fairs
- Mental Health awareness
- Walking clubs
- Weight Management / Eating for Energy
- Coping Skills
- Team building
- Addiction awareness (smoking, alcohol, drugs etc)
- Sleep Improvement (relaxation, meditation)
Individuals that inspire and support others achieve their goals
Individuals, Groups, Teams and Organisations competing with each other in a healthy way
Annual Initiatives
- Nutrition
- Cancer control
- Osteoporosis
- Obesity & Diabetes
- Cholesterol
- Heart health
- Coronary Artery Disease
- Asthma
- Chronic Conditions
- Depression
- Etc
Work-Life Balance (self-care) Coaching
At LAMBERT we have an accountability procedure that takes the pressure off each individual by incorporating a ‘don’t get worse’ theme, and as long as the environment is conducive to sustain change the addition of this procedure really has been proven to work (Dee Edington). We create an overarching ‘team effort’, yet ensure each individual is responsible for their own health actions, which then collectively gives families, the community and corporate companies a responsibility towards sustaining a ‘culture of health’. We constantly let people know the following:
· Where they're heading?
· Where they came from?
· What results are trying to be achieved?
At LAMBERT we compel all our clients to become educated about the true costs of medical care, including treatment options and their relative costs, and therefore, by having a financial stake in their care, they are encouraged to become involved more actively in their medical care decisions.
Self Regulation
Some of the biggest issues with people today is that they see no value, and or have no strength to control their lives, therefore LAMBERT also works on these areas:
LAMBERT develops brand identity for company programs using (any ONE of…) the identifying phrases:
· ‘’Get things done’’ or "Be the best that you can be" or
· ‘’Do what you gotta do’’ or ‘’Do what you can for our health, but start now’’ or
· ‘’Do something for your health today, not tomorrow’’ or
· ‘’Start getting healthier now, do it for yourself, and don’t give up’’ or
· ‘’Do your best to get healthier today, and don’t give up’’ or
· ‘’Your priority is your health and the health of your family, so start today and never accept defeat’’
The goal of such programs is to inspire people to ‘’do their best’’ but ‘’do it for themselves’’.
Help to reduce negativity
At LAMBERT we avoid the use of negative consequences as a motivator as this is quite unpopular in organisations, and for wellbeing programs to be effective employees need to avoid incurring penalties, and avoid negative perceptions if they don’t participate. Instead of changing negative behaviours like tobacco cessation or alcohol reduction, we focus on preventative health screening actions, which are better targets, such as:
- Lipid panels
- BMI measurements
We also educate employees to know their own numbers, from health measurements such as:
- Age
- Height
- Weight
- BP
- Etc
Others related to Work-Life:
- Knowing their Finances
- Culture creation within virtual fitness centre’s
- Creation of teams/mentors
- Etc
Deliberate intentions to encourage lasting happiness
Happiness ‘interventions’ can alleviate symptoms of depression by providing hope for the future, and we endeavour to provide the link between suffering and wellbeing via our mentorship and individual strengths programs). LAMBERT addresses such areas by focusing on:
- Daily gratitude planning – For e.g. Monday is a day for being grateful, Tuesday for being kind etc and gratitude about the past too
- A daily appreciation of what matters most in life and satisfaction with life as it is lived
- Downward social comparison for e.g. charity work/giving/paying it forward, by thinking of someone who has had it worse than they did and meaningful participation in groups and organizations
- The identification of what someone does well and forging close relationships with other people with similar values and needs
- The use of talents and strengths in engaging and fulfilling pursuits
Safety and health provide the context for the good life.
LAMBERTs programs are able to move individuals from a high medical risk to medium-risk to low-risk health status, additionally, our strategy appeals to low-risk individuals because they also can participate and be winners.
LAMBERT supports the fact that more and more companies are now beginning to recognise that spouses, dependants, as well as retirees are important populations that need to be reached. We help to create a strong culture of health, both in the workplace and at home including the employee and the immediate family. We can supply companies with a wellbeing coordinator dedicated to showing we care about employee health and wellbeing by supporting it throughout all preferred initiatives. All in all, LAMBERT provides a daily focus on health and wellbeing for employees and their families. At LAMBERT we know it’s the right time to make a mark on disengagement. We offer robust, holistic health and wellness programs to help companies tackle this tough problem by supporting employees with tools that drive daily engagement in their health. As a result employees are better able to engage and handle the challenges and stressors that come along at work and in life. LAMBERTs work/life balance initiatives help to create a better balance between the demands of the job and the healthy management of life outside work via benefits, policies, or programs. Our Work/life initiatives can potentially deal with a wide range of issues including:
- on-site childcare, and seasonal childcare programs (such as March break or Christmas),
- eldercare initiatives (may range from referral program, eldercare assessment, case management)
- referral program to care services, local organisations, etc.,
- Flexible working arrangements,
- other leaves of absence policies such as educational leave, community service leave, self-funded leave or sabbaticals,
- on-site seminars and workshops (on such topics as stress, nutrition, smoking, communication etc),
- internal and/or external educational or training opportunities, or
- fitness facilities, or fitness membership assistance (financial)
- Etc
Work/life balance initiatives can be part of a complete health and safety and/or a health promotion programme within the workplace, and the initiatives can be written as part of an existing health and safety policy, or particular guidelines can be referenced in the overall company human resources policy or the collective agreement (if applicable).
LAMBERT tailors its work/life policies to suit the employees', overall business needs and corporate culture and requires a significant commitment from senior management. For our work/life initiatives to be successful and sustainable, both employers and employees must take responsibility for making the programme work effectively, which is why our evaluation system will also be part of that process.
LAMBERT understands and respects that for many workers balancing work/life demands is just one of the many challenges they face on a regular basis therefore
the programs we offer have to be the 'best fit' and should be designed with frequent consultation with employees.
Lifestyle & Behaviour Coaching
In order for LAMBERT to assist with the development of optimal performance whether it be within individuals, community organisations or corporate workplaces, we always prepare for future long-term conditions and disability, and help to contain the current epidemic of lifestyle related diseases. Additionally, and in order to be healthy, individuals, communities and businesses alike need to have sufficient up-to-date knowledge related to healthy lifestyles, in particular related to nutrition and physical activity in order to support their current behaviours.
We also offer the following guided self-help methods:
· Individual, group and organisational level health improvement support programs
· Goal and Objective setting support
· Personal coaching (one-to-one)
· Team coaching (mini groups)
· Large Group coaching (classes)
Lifestyle is a major determinant of health and happiness
Nutritional Balance
Good nutrition is essential for sustained quality of life, via the prevention of a range of serious health conditions, therefore, LAMBERT offers nutrition coaching to cover a whole range of areas and differing populations. We cover childhood obesity; we work with gym-goers, athletes and professional body builders to women that require coaching about pre and post-natal nutrition. LAMBERTs coaching programs cover the varying dietary requirements of children from birth to adolescence, younger adults and the elderly, and we cover the following areas:
· Preparing the body and the environment
· Dietary and lifestyle changes to optimise the chance of success
· The importance of having a balanced diet (foods to increase, limit or avoid)
· Vitamins, minerals and specific supplementation guidance
· Goal specific nutritional requirement
Holistic Health
LAMBERT implements more of a Holistic approach, because we understand that individuals, families, and organisations face a wide range of problems, and we help to create a strong culture of health both in the workplace and at home. Investment in health and wellbeing using such initiatives benefits the organisation as a whole, by giving employees an improved sense of value as a member of the organisation. LAMBERT incorporates various programs into the concept of health, such as Spiritual, Emotional, Psychological and Physical coaching programs that are able to deliver such a rich array of potential human benefits, and have great potential to enhance the performance, productivity and wellbeing of organisations. LAMBERT understands how coaching decreases psychological strain among managers, and improved personal development among individuals.
Injury, Illness and Disability Support
LAMBERT offers a broad range of support for those with injuries, illness and disabilities and specifically we offer tests and treatments for work-related injuries via physical therapy etc. Engagement plays a key role in treating and preventing illness and injury, and therefore we provide these services at home or within the workplace to add convenience and improve the clients experience. For prevention, and control we also offer the following for the management of disease:
· Obesity and diabetes prevention and control
· Cancer prevention and exercise training
Weight Management
LAMBERT offers weight loss and weight gain coaching awareness programs for individuals, community organisations and corporate companies, and we explain the consequences of gaining too little or too much weight. Additionally, we explain the best approach for losing and gaining excess weight, and offer practical tips on nutrition for specific needs. With LAMBERTs coaching awareness programs we also coach:
- The energy balance process
- The importance of creating a safe, effective and realistic weight-loss/weight-gain plan
- Practical application of changes in diet and exercise
Workplace weight management
The workplace is an ideal environment for making modest changes in the physical activity, nutrition and health of employees that are struggling with their weight. LAMBERTs coaching awareness programs cover the prevention and management of obesity and help you to understand why people become overweight, whilst helping you to design your own effective evidence-based program that targets these causes. LAMBERT can supply companies with lower-resource promotion activities such as:
- Bi-weekly health and wellness newsletters and posters promoting healthy lifestyle activities and community resources
- On-site fitness opportunities and preventive screenings (upon request)
Main awareness programs
- Childhood Nutrition & Obesity Prevention
- Weight gain during pregnancy and Weight loss after pregnancy
- Other areas (upon request)
Motivational Coaching
According to Quintiliani, et al (2007), there are several guidelines from behavioral science that can guide programme activities, such as:
- Goal-setting and
- The motivational stages of change
Programs that target sustainable behaviour change help employees modify habits that negatively impact their health long-term (Colling, 2013). LAMBERT understands that workplace wellbeing approaches that use interventions with motivation enhancement are associated with large effects, and as such we deliver health and wellbeing motivational coaching, alongside our work/life balance initiatives.
Stress Management
For years global studies have identified stress as the top focus of employers worldwide, and as such our goal at LAMBERT has been to create a higher awareness within local, national and global organisations about the importance of stress management. Stress is a bigger problem than we realise and increased stress can drive up health care costs. LAMBERT knows that there are lots of things that can be done to help to reduce stress, and therefore if stress is approached head-on it can offer higher business value in the long-term. Unaddressed stress however is a barrier to success in many other health promotion areas such as exercise, nutrition, and tobacco cessation.
Sleep Quality Management
Physical Activity and Nutrition Coaching can have an immense effect on emotional and mental wellbeing, and the synergy between them is extremely important to add value to the workplace, including the following benefits: ↑ Mood, ↑ Sleep, ↑ Thinking, ↑ Learning, and ↑ Judgement
- Smoking, Drugs and alcohol
- Pre-Post Natal support
- Child health to Older population support
- Mental Health (child MH, family stress programme etc)
LAMBERT is able to develop learning skills academically and professionally
?“Who we coach”
Corporates | Community Organisations | Individuals
CEO at Linked VA
4 年Great take on wellness coaching, enjoyed the read Wayne.