Our Weak Spots
Bram Lagrou
We are on a mission to help 2 billion people with business, professional, personal and financial growth by 2043
Do you remember the famous character from Greek mythology named Achilles?
He was the hero of the Trojan war, the greatest of all Greek warriors, highly respected and powerful. People thought of him being invincible. Until an arrow buried itself in his heel, forced him humbly onto his knees and an enemy sword pierced his chest.
The story is still relevant to business today.
At times we think of ourselves being invincible. We are (too) confident in our abilities. We overestimate ourselves, think we can withstand anything, until something hits our weak spot.
· People die prematurely.
· Businesses go belly up.
· People who once loved each other divorce.
· Sales pipelines dry up.
· So do cash reserves.
They are all but mere symptoms of us being oblivious to our weak spots. At times, we neglect to face the truth the way it is and instead try to see it the way we would like it to be.
That is not very smart. Would you agree?
I am the first one to admit that I have been privy to such delusions. I thought of myself being 'invincible' like Achilles. I certainly have learned (often the hard way) since to be more grounded and balance my perception.
Many people struggle in business and life. I love sharing my experiences and helping them to (1) recognise their Achilles heel and (2) do something smart about it, sooner rather than later.
That is why I invite you to join Passion Turning Profit, my 2-hour webinar, in which I help you unlock the 8 best-kept business development secrets.
It is LIVE Saturday 8th February with Q&A opportunities so that we have two-way communication which is the best way to learn.
So that it is easy to join from anywhere, I made it accessible online, with two different times to choose from and 100% FREE.
See, you are part of my tribe. I have your back and love making a difference in your business and life.
Register now and I'll see you soon in the webinar, Achilles!
By the way: VIPs have a chance to WIN a $3,000 private strategy session with me to solve any problem or challenge that they are facing. Life changing! You could be the winner.
You can find out more by clicking the link.
Invest the time. You will be grateful you did.
Register for Passion Turning Profit before it's too late
Happy weekend,
Bram Lagrou
Author of Selling is out. Create buy-in
Creator of Communication Mastery, Speak Up Clean Up, and Best Year Ever
Seminar Leader of Business Development Academy and Purpose Passion Power
The Business of Life Coach