Our University Position on Accreditation
We at St. Paul Bible Institute & Seminary remain un-accredited by choice because we feel and believe that it put a restriction on God ministry. ??Accreditation in a secular university and college is needed and very important, but in the religious community it's trying to put a monopoly on God ministry.? ?Your diploma and/or transcript are your proof of the education that you earned. To require an accreditation results in saying that your degree or diploma has no real value. We believe that our diploma, certificates, transcripts hold all the proof & value of your education and nothing else is required. Your education is measured through work, study and experience that has been measured and recorded, not through accreditation. Accreditation is not required in the United States, but is purely a voluntary matter. We believe in freedom of religion, and separation of Church and State but an accreditation agency has no true value until it is recognized by the United Stated Department of Education. This means the government oversees the accreditation agency. In a round about way this is not separation of Church and State.?We do not seek government endorsement.