Our Two Selves
We have two selves. They can be best described by the two wolves below:
The Natural Self and the Ego Self. The natural self, inculcates emotions like happiness, kindness, empathy etc whereas the Ego self, inculcates emotions like anger, superiority etc.
Whenever a certain event unfolds, we have two options to choose from to act to the particular event, one from the lens of the Natural self and the other being the Ego Self.
The catch here being is that the Ego self comes to us automatically when we are going with the automacity loop. The Natural Self is evoked using mindfulness. We need to pay attention to our thoughts, emotions and actions, and for that, we need to stay mindful. We have to ask ourselves again and again, Am I being too judgemental, am I too critical, Am I getting angry without its need and so on. For this, we need to be mindful.
Thinking from the Ego Self leads us to take actions which are backed by poor judgement and thus, these actions lead to subsequent events which are not in our favor, so to say. Whereas, taking decisions from the Natural Self leads us to having a better chance of making the right choice, which results to right action and right events to be unfolded.
Signing off
Yash Negi