Our Triboelectric Effect                        Our Adhesion Molecule Cell Force       Our Cell's Surface Potential Our Quantum Mechanical System ZPF

Our Triboelectric Effect Our Adhesion Molecule Cell Force Our Cell's Surface Potential Our Quantum Mechanical System ZPF

Our Static Is Our Steady, Unchanging, Stationary Constant And Our Piezoelectric Effect Of Our Physical Experience Of Our "Sensation" Of Our Externality Of Our Outermost. In Our Circuits, Our Cells, Provide The "Push" Of Our Current "Flow", As Our, Voltage. In Our Brain, Our Neurons, As Our, Neural Cells, Have Extremely High Voltages. Our Static Electricity Elevates When Our Electrons Jump Between Two Objects Of Opposing Electrical Charges. Our Molecules Have Atoms, As Our, Positively Charged Protons, Neutrons And Negatively Charged Electrons Of Floating Ability, As Our, Atoms Of Uneven Protons And Electrons Happen, As Our, Shock, That Is Caused By Static Electricity. Our Triboelectric Has Magnitude, As Our, Charge Of Electricity That Is Generated By Friction, As Our, Contact Electrification. Static Friction Magnitude Is Corresponding To A Normal Force Magnitude. Our Normal Force Is Our "Mechanics" And Is The Constituent Of A Contact Force That Is Perpendicular To The Surface That An Object Contacts. In Our Cancer Cells, Metastasis Requires The Perforation Of Cancer Cells Through Tight Spaces And Is Mediated By Our Cell's Physical Properties And Their Interactions With Their Constricted Environment, As For, Passage Is Contributed To The "Deformability" In Cell's Shape And Size And It's "Frictional Properties". Cells That Possess Higher Mestastatic Potential Exhibit Greater Than Expected "Changes" In Velocity, As For, Deformability And Friction "Enable" Invasive Cancer Cells To "Squeeze" Through Tight Spaces. Our Friction Is Our Disturbance Of Abrasion Of Rubbing, As In, Grating And Scraping, As Our, Discord Schism. Our Cancer Cell's Deformities And "Friction" Determine Cell Passage Of Time. Our Friction Force Causes Static Electricity, As Our, "Adhesive Forces" Between Our Atoms' Electrons And Protons. In Metastasis, Our Adhesion Molecule Mediated Cell Forces, As Adhesion, Becomes "Suppressed", As Our, Cancer Cell Molecule's Dynamics Of The Effects Of Static Velocity, As For, Friction Generates Vibrations, Which, Create Sound Waves. Our Adhesive Force Between Tumor Cells Might Predict The Tumor's Malignancy, As Our, Tumor Cells Exhibit Low Cell To Cell Adhesion Forces, As Highly Metastatic. Our Adhesion Force Is Our Force Of "Attraction". Our Static Friction Force Keeps An Object At A Restful State, As For, Objects In Motion Are Our Kinetic Friction. Our Charges Are The Product Of Chemical Reactions, As, Each Surface Becomes Positive And Negative Charges. Our Static Equilibrium In Any System, As Our, Human System, Is The Sum Of Forces On Each Particle Of The System Is Zero. Mitochondrial Dysfunction In Cancer Cells Results In "Diminished" Intensity Of Our Static Electrical Field. Our Cells Are Our Human Mechanics Of Our Conductors Of Our Electrical Currents, As For, Our Earthly Element Are Vital To Our Human Body's Survival, As Our, Conductors Of Sodium, Potassium, Calcium And Magnesium, As Our, Charged Elements That Are Our Ions That Generate Our Electricity. Our Human Cell Is 1.5 Volts. There Is 0.2 Milligrams Of Gold In Our Human Blood. In Our Human Body The Number Of Cells Is To Be About The Same Number Of Atoms In A Human Cell. Our Static Electricity Is The Outcome Of Our Imbalance Between Our Negative And Positive Charges That Build Up On the Surface Of Our Cells Until It Discharges, As For, One Surface Has A High Resistance To Electrical Current, As Our, Electrical Insulator. Our Triboelectric Effect Is Our Characteristic Of "Adhesion", As For, There Is Attraction Between Different Molecules. Our Chemical Adhesion Occurs, As Our, Surface Atoms Of Two Different Surfaces "Form" Ionic, Covalent Of Hydrogen Bonds, As Our, Electrostatic Attraction. In Our Cancer Tumor Cells, They Have Modifications, As, "Change" In Cell To Cell Adhesion Through Adhesion Receptors, As Our, Cadherins And Our Integrins And On Our Cell's Surfaces By Proteopglycans And Tetraspanins, As Our, Cell Adhesion Molecules. Electrostatic Forces Impair Adhesion, As Our, "Disturbance" Of Our Cellular Processes, As For, Our Dis-eases. This Is Our Human Surface Charge Energy Potentiality. Our Movements Of Our Ions Across Our Plasma Membranes Cause Demonstrative "Changes" In Our Cell's Surface Charges, As In, Prominent. In Our Cancer Cells There Is A Short Circuit Of Signals To Regulate Growth And Apoptosis. Our Short Circuit Is Our "Lower Resistance" Than That Of Our Normal Circuit, As For, The Outcome Of "Unintended Contact" Of Constituents And The Diversion Of Current Due To Deformations, As Our, Low Resistance Of Our Conductors That Supply Our Electrical Power To Our Circuits, As In, Cells, As Our, Flow Of Charges And Ions That Is Our Human Electrical Current Of Vitality, As Our, Sodium, Potassium And Chloride Ions. There Is Effects Of Surface Potential On Epithelial Cell Adhesion, Proliferation And "Morphology". Our Human Epithelial Cells Are Our "Lining Of Adhesion" Of Our Body's Surfaces, As Our, Skin, Blood Vessels And Organs, As Our, Protection, Filtration, Absorption, Excretion And Our "Human Sensation". Our Tight Junctions Of Our Epithelial Cells Are Our Connections Between Our Conductor Cells, That Is Our High Electrical Capacity, In Which, Houses Our Static Electricity "Generator", As For, Electrical Fields Are Present In Our Developing And Redeveloping Tissues As Our Bioelectricity. Our Small Electric Fields Effect Our Cells Behavior, As In, Our Self-Regenerating Voltage That Is Present Across Our Cell Membrane. Our Static Charge Breaks Down, As Our, Discharge Super Heats The Air, As In, A Light Flash, As Our, Shock Wave And Snap Pop Of "Sound". In Referencing Cancer Cells, In Metastasis Our Adhesion Molecule Mediated Cell's Forces, As Adhesions, Becomes Suppressed, As Our, Cancer Cell Molecule Dynamics Of The Effects Of Static Velocity, Postulating, Sound Wave Pulse. Humans Are Pyroelectric And Piezoelectric, As For, Our Skin Has A Pyroelectric And A Piezoelectric "Sensor" Layer, As Our, Permenant Electric Dipole Moment That Is Perpendicular To It's Surface, As For, Our Voltage Of Our Cells Respond To Our Rapid "Change" In Temperature, As In, Our Pyroelectric. Our Voltage Responds To "Pressure" Pulses, As In, Sound Wave Pulse Pressure, As To, Our Pressure Pulses Are Piezoelectric. In Our Zero Point Energy Field, Our Brain Provides The Environment, As Our, Macroscopic Quantum System, To Sheild Our Brain From Thermal Noise, As Making, The Zero Point Field The Primary Constituent And Communication Medium That Activates Our Brain Activity And Enables Our Human Emergence Of Our Quantum Phenonmenality. In Our Quantum Mechanics, There Is Our Harmonic Oscillating Wave Functionality, That Is Our Representation Of Our Brain's High Ordering Level, In Which, Is Our Harmonizing And Higher Order Structuring Of Our Brain Hierarchy Of Organization, In Which, Is Our Complexity Of Our Neural Pathways, Cell Assemblies And Brain Structures, As Our, Mind Functioning Relating To Intelligence, As In, Multiple. Thank-you.

Dr. Curtis J. Tinsley

No Title at The Company of Man Retired Pathologist

5 年

Nothing better than a good buzzword article, thanks Anne for the metadata.



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