Our Top Ten List For Homeowner’s Insurance

Our Top Ten List For Homeowner’s Insurance

Homeowner’s Insurance Countdown

There are many factors that go into determining your homeowner’s insurance premiums. We thought it might be fun to address our “top ten list” of things every homeowner should know before purchasing insurance. Remember, as your agent we can help you identify the best possible combination of coverage, price and service.

  1. You are a statistic. To an insurer, you are a set of risks. An insurer bases its premium (or its decision to insure you at all) on your "risk factors" including your occupation, who you are, what you own, and where you live. To us, you are a person and we value our relationship with you.
  2. Know your home's value. Before you buy a policy, it is important to know your home's replacement cost.
  3. Insurers differ. As with anything else you buy, what seems to be the same product can be priced differently by different companies. You can save money by comparison shopping.
  4. Don't just look at price. A low price is no bargain if you don’t have the right coverage.
  5. Go beyond the basics. A basic homeowner’s policy may not promise to entirely replace your home.
  6. Look for discounts. Insurers provide discounts to reward behavior that reduces risk.
  7. Be sure that you have the proper documentation if you have a claim. Your idea of fair compensation may not match that of your insurer. Your insurer's job is to restore you financially. Your job is to prove your losses so you get what you need.
  8. Know your policy. Keep your policy updated, and reread it before you file a claim so there are no surprises.
  9. Check you deductibles. It may benefit you to increase your deductible, especially if you have a good claims experience.
  10. Your policy excludes Quake and Flood. Check with us and we will provide you with a quote.


