Our Thoughts | Our Lives | And a Stolen Lunch
Cate Field
Empowering Creativity and Joy: Artist, Teacher, Writer, and YouTube Creator Inspiring Others to Pursue Their Dreams.
A reflection on the classic As A Man Thinketh by James Allen
The power of thought has been discussed, argued about, meditated on and written about for many years. I read the classic As A Man Thinketh for the first time when I was in my twenties, and although I thought I understood its premise and point, I don’t think I really ‘got’ it until I was a little older. The language is old fashioned, and very masculine (it’s of its time naturally), but the message is clear and as relevant today as it was in 1903. Allen’s title was taken from the Bible:?Proverbs 23 -?
Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats:
For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he
Modern translations have:
"Come on and have some more,” he says, but he doesn't mean it. What he thinks is what he really is. Good News Bible.
We are what we think about. Not when we think about what we are having for dinner tonight, or who will win the football, but the thoughts we have about ourselves and the lives we live. Dark thoughts of revenge, aggression, retaliation and anger are a reflection on who we are. We grow by a law of nature, and our thoughts are the essence.
The Stolen Lunch
A friend of mine complained on Facebook that someone at work had stolen her lunch from the communal fridge in the staff kitchen. The responses were interesting. Some suggested putting a laxative in the lunch for the perpetrator to find, and some suggested a full on point and tell. When we are spending time thinking of ways in which to get back at another, we are darkening our own minds. We are becoming that which we have disliked. We have control over our thoughts. We are able to change our minds at will and think through another scenario.
Why did the person steal the lunch? Let’s think of some genuine reasons, and it doesn’t matter whether are true or not.
Was she hungry? Did she think that the lunch was actually hers, and simply made a mistake? Was she really busy, upset, confused? How can we know what is in the mind of another? We can’t, but we can be compassionate if we choose.
Let’s us choose to be kind. What if the next day my friend made two lunches and gave one to the ‘thief”? What would happen??
We choose what we think.
We become what we think.
The Angry Driver
Our thoughts are transforming and build our character. Thought and character are one. And our character manifests itself through our actions - our words and deeds. What we say and what we do.?
What is your first thought when someone cuts you up on the road?
Are you angry? Frustrated? Do you want to retaliate??
What if you stop and think. What if you make up another story? He was in a hurry to get to the hospital. His wife has been in an accident.?
So what if it isn’t true? It might be. Let him go. It’s not important. Your thoughts are important. They take root.
Circumstances do not make you, but reveal your true self. You choose how to respond. You are the controller of your thoughts.
We do not attract that which we want but that which we are. Forget about fate. You are in control. We get what we earn. Sowing and reaping. Put in the time and effort and reap the results, and that included thinking. Time spent agonising over a past mistake or someone else's misdemeanour is never going to get you to where you want to be. Bitter and twisted is not a good look for your soul.
Let things go.
Wishes and prayers will be granted when they harmonise with thoughts and actions. Personal sacrifices are essential. Don’t blame your circumstances. Actually don’t blame anyone or anything. You are responsible. Only you are responsible for your life. Stuff happens. Terrible stuff sometimes happens, but you choose how you will respond.
Good thoughts and actions can never produce bad results. Bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results. Few understand this.
Let us stop whining and moaning and instead search for the hidden justice which regulates our lives. Let us stop accusing others and instead build up strong and noble thoughts.
Extract from Your Thoughts Your Life, a reflection on James Allen As a Man Thinketh, by Cate Field 2019.