Our thoughts during this period of mourning.

Our thoughts during this period of mourning.

Millions around the world are in mourning for HM The Queen.

Though many millions more are also in mourning, for something else. Stability.

Over the past few years, the UK has seen great change and uncertainty.

Through changing Prime Ministers and Monarchy.

Through Brexit, COVID 19 and financial crisis.

Through wars, violence and climate disasters.

Parents are scared they will not be able to feed their families or warm their homes.

Young people are scared for their ever-worsening environment.

Women and minority communities are scared just to walk down the street.

From Westminster to Ukraine. From Streatham to Pakistan.

Everywhere, people are experiencing change and loss.

We are all looking for something to hold on to.

But what can we do about it?

Instead of turning on each other, we must turn to each other.


On Monday 19th September, the RJ4All Rotherhithe community centre will be a space open to mourn, for everyone who has lost someone they love. If you would like professional support during this time, you can book to be seen by our Mental Health Counsellor who will be available on Monday.

To book click here: https://www.rj4all.info/T4MH

Please take care of yourselves and each other.


