Our Thoughts by All World Gayatri Pariwar (https://www.awgp.org)
Asha Kanta Sharma
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The origin of thoughts
The thought-power and willpower are generated in the mind. Numerous mind boggling examples of the immensity and trenchancy of these mental powers are available in the history of mankind. Paragons are born by awakening of these hidden sources of inner force. Many demonstrations of willpower are recorded in different parts of the world; some are even entered in the Guinness Book of World Records; these often appear astonishing to the masses. While most of us might have experienced willpower as the strength of determination, only few would know that thought-power and willpower are manifestations of the same subliminal force of the higher mind and are implicitly the same. Mental concentration is an effect as well as a generator of this power. Every impulse of focused mind is also a refection of this power. Enlightened and deep thoughts are more evolved expressions of this power, which is also regarded by the modern researchers of metaphysics and parapsychology as a source for deciphering the extrasensory psychic force.
Cultivate Thoughts
A farmer harvests the corps he had cultivated. But he is not the only one to benefit from it. Many others also gain their shares from the colossal multitudes in quantity, of what was sown. The grains of this crop fulfill the hunger of many thousands of unknown people, residing far away, and not having any worldly connection or contact with the farmer…. Cultivation of thoughts also multiplies and expands similarly, though invisibly, at a far more wider and dense scale.
Intensity of Thoughts
'Thoughts' of animals are nothing but mental instincts pertaining to the sustenance of their gross body; these instincts are usually weak and short-lived and are educed as per the Nature's arrangement for their food, growth, reproduction, defense etc. But the force of human emotions, desires, thinking, mental sensitivity, convictions, faith, determination, etc is immeasurably powerful and profound. The nature and degree of this force varies among humans as per their intrinsic character and intensity of their thoughts. Most people today live an extrovert life generally revolving around sensual pleasures, instinctive joys and satisfaction of ego in one form or the other. Therefore, their thought waves are also feeble and dispersed in general. It is the strength of the inner self and the concentration of radiant thoughts that generates intense and powerful thought waves.
Ability of thoughts
All of the infinitely many kinds of thought waves floating in the subliminal layers of the cosmic expansion may touch every mental body at some point of time, but attract or influence only those that are sensitive or receptive to them or have compatible nature. Unstable (agile), dormant and weak minds do not have any firm tuning and are therefore easily influenced by any kind of thought-waves that have strong force of attraction.
Thoughts attract thoughts of similar kind
Accumulation of similar or compatible elements appears to be the law of Nature. This is what accounts for formation of seas and oceans. Individually the metal particles lie unnoticed in the soil. However, wherever they are gathered, their force of affinity compounds exponentially and leads to formation of huge repository of that particular substance. The gigantic mines of metals and minerals evince this fact. Similar is the case with superposing of sound waves etc. The cycle of their circular motion and recurrence with further superimposition of similar thought waves creates a subtle energy field in the etheric expansion that widens and affects more and more people having even slightest receptivity to those thoughts, with its larger and sharper reach. This is why the books we read, the ambience we live in most of the time, or the people we interact with, indirectly influence our thinking and tendencies. This is how the company of drunkards produces more drunkards, that of thieves makes others thieves and so on; this is how criminals form stout gangs. This is how the inspiring proximity of saints, great personalities, or sagacious thoughts enlightens and elevates many others.
Be cautious with your thoughts
The social norms and governmental laws may constrain the conduct and visible deeds of a person. But everyone is totally free in the unlimited expanse of mental creations, imaginations, thoughts, feeling … etc. This is why most of us don't care for the immense capabilities and impact of the hidden powers of mind and the inner self. The shastric concept (affirmation) of mental p3pa and pu?ya should serve as a timely warning for us. The kinds of imaginations and thoughts one's mind is inclined to, or is often engrossed in, inspire and influence his attitude, mental tendencies and hence his actions because of the compounding effect of the thought-waves of coherent quality. Thought power is like fire or electricity, which should be used cautiously; little carelessness may cause havoc in the subtle world and eventually give rise to equally hazardous consequences in the visible realms of life.
What kinds of thought waves influence one and to what extent? This depends upon what his mind is prepared for and what are its own intrinsic inclinations and aspirations. Radio stations or satellite sites broadcast/transmit varieties of programs, but our radio or television sets receive only those for what they are tuned. Our minds are also like antennas or receiving stations for thought waves they are naturally tuned or vigorously trained for. Good people with alert mind feel some kind of repulsion from cruel, cunning or debased people; whereas the magnetism of morally pure, elevated and kind-hearted personalities often attracts them. Contrary is the case with people having mental vices, evil characters or perverse tendencies.
Thoughts Are subtle Force
Thoughts are subtle force, transmitted to us by food. Chhandogya. Upanishad describes this fact as a dialogue between Uddalaka and Svetaketu - 'If the food is pure, thought also becomes pure. He who has pure thoughts speaks very powerfully and produces deep impression on the minds of the hearers by his speech. He influences thousands of persons through his pure thoughts.'
A pure thought is sharper than the edge of a razor. Entertain always pure, sublime thoughts. Thought-culture is an exact science.
Thoughts Affect the Body
Every thought or emotion or word produces a strong vibration in every cell of the body and leaves a strong impression there.
If you know the method of raising an opposite thought, then you can lead a happy harmonious life of peace and power. Thought of love will at once neutralize a thought of hatred. A thought of courage will immediately serve as a powerful antidote against a thought of fear.
Thoughts Promote Radiant Health
The body is internally associated with the mind, rather the body is a counterpart of the mind; it is a gross visible form of the subtle, invisible mind. If there is pain in the tooth or in the stomach or in the ear, the mind is at once affected. It ceases to think properly; it is agitated, disturbed and perturbed.
If there is depression in the mind, the body also cannot function properly. The pains which afflict the body are called the secondary diseases, Vyadhi, while the Vasanas or desires that afflict the mind are termed mental or primary diseases, Adhi. Mental health is more important than physical health. If the mind is healthy, the body will necessarily be healthy. If the mind is pure, if your thoughts are pure, you will be free from all diseases primary and secondary. “Mens sana in corpore sano—a sound mind in a sound body.”
Thoughts -Source of immense power
It is true that a being, independent of the body, lives through a body. At the moment of death, when life departs from the body, there is no change in the apparent physiology of the body. Nevertheless, the dead body immediately starts to decay and to putrefy emitting foul smell.
Sitting near the fire warms and protects us even in harsh winter. Fire spreads the heat in its surrounding area. That way, our body also has heat in it. The heat inside could be experienced in the expired breath. The clothes we wear also become warm by the heat of the body. This effect is more noticeable during winter by touching the clothes that we are going to wear and the ones we cast-off. Wearing woolen clothes in winter protects the emission of body's heat outside and thus helps keeping the body at normal temperature. The body-system also possesses many other kinds of energies in it. But most prominent, intense and radiant of the powers a human being is endowed with is the thought-power.
Thoughts Shape our destiny
We often consider the actions of the body and its five senses as the cause of what makes good or bad karma (destiny). But the shastras (vedic scriptures) also describe a great deal of the effects of mentally committed p3pa (sins) and pu?ya (noble, ethical deeds) in shaping our future destiny. As we discussed above, our virtuous and evil thoughts indirectly make corresponding contributions in the subtle environment and hence on many others; so these invisible actions of our mind also account for our karma. The more and deeper the involvement of our mind and hence of the inner self in the thoughts, the more intense and lasting would be the impression of the associated karma in the script of our future destiny (which keeps getting inscribed in our unconscious mind).
Think Positive
Every moment of human life is intensely interwoven with thoughts. The key of the ascent or degeneration of one’s life lies in his thoughts. The frequency-range and cosmic expansion of the thought waves is said to be much higher than that of the electromagnetic waves.
How the evil, the divine, or the intermediate level thought wave would influence one’s mind depends upon the nature of the latter’s ideosphere, his vital energy and the intensity of the currents of conscious force associated with the thought waves. Similar kinds of thought waves make dense clusters. Conjugation of the resonant clusters of thought waves with the eternal power of pr3?a (the source of vital energy) generates the flow of thoughts. Because of the compounded flow, the velocity and charge (impact) of these currents of thought waves is amplified exponentially.
People with greater strength of the inner self and elevated levels of pr3?a can attract and influence many others by the aura of their vital energy and the enthralling force of their thoughts. This is how they can effectively lead and shape the mass movements. This influence could be positive and constructive or it could be untoward and damaging. History has witnessed how the inspiring thoughts of great personalities have saved the human dignity and made the destiny of the masses by altruist movements. There also exist historical examples of dictators like Hitler, Mussolini, etc whose cruel and negative thinking had misguided many and blown the society in the dreadful fire of hatred, discrimination and wars….
The body of a person emits an aura as per the intrinsic level of the trigu?as (Sat – Raj – Tam ) in his personality. Kirilian Photography could record the variation in the colors and intensity of this aura with respect to the quality of one’s thoughts and emotional currents, to some extent. Studies of people’s auras reveal that likewise the fingerprints, the aura of a person is also unique. The aura of strong characters can influence the people having weaker mental and vital strength. The thought waves also constitute an aura, which has subliminal and visible (by Kirilian recording) domains.
The dense clusters of the cruel and untoward thoughts pertaining to lust, hatred, ego, jealous, revenge, etc, emit dirty black aura while those of fear and anxiety possess brown shadows. The color of the aura reflected by the thought waves of pure love and affection is recorded to be bright red, whereas that of sexually charged love and attraction is brownish red. The thought waves driven by self-esteem and ambition constitute bright orange, those of intellectual trenchancy coupled with inner piety emit yellow color in the aura. The thought waves emerging from spiritual illumination reflect brilliant light blue color in the aura. The vision and analysis of the subliminal aura of thoughts or the ideosphere is possible only by the yogis who are endowed with extrasensory powers and whose acumen has a reach in the deeper depths of human mind.
The great yogis possessing pierce vision of the ideosphere can read one’s thoughts, decipher his nature by looking at the aura around him. They can view the shadows of the aura around the human body without any instrument. The yogis who have attained higher realms of spirituality also possess the extrasensory potential to influence others’ thoughts, and vibrate and illuminate people’s ideospheres by the radiance of their immense willpower….
With the ever new discoveries on the bio electricity and sensory potentials of the human body, the scientists had begun to accept the effect of positive thinking on human body, which is an arcane electromagnetic instrument –that emit and attract thoughts and sentiments to and from anywhere in the cosmos.
Enhance your thought power
The functional structure of the brain could be categorized in three parts –– primal (adi) brain, middle (madhya) brain and present (vartmana) brain. The first one may be regarded as the root, the middle one as stem and the third as the branches along with leafs and flowers of the ‘tree’ of brain functions.
The primal brain is endowed with all the knowledge, tendencies and impressions assimilated since the origin of the jivatma (soul) till its birth in the present life. The term ‘middle brain’ refers to the source of manifestation of latent or supernormal powers. The ‘present brain’, as the name suggests, is developed according to the memories, knowledge and conditioning resulted from –– the bio-electrical processes and the perceptions made through exposure to the world, experiences, education, social encounters etc since the embryonic state till the present time.
The three brains are functionally organized one under the other like the layered skin of an onion. The primal brain lies in the innermost core. It is the subtlest but the most prominent of all. It is the original source of consciousness for the development and activation of the other two. The blueprint of the inner character of an individual is stored here. In essence, the seed of one’s personality sprouts from this center.
The number of neurons in a human brain is almost double the human population existing on the earth today. If one second is spent in counting one neuron, it will take 300 centuries to sort all of them in a single brain! These tiny nerve cells have negligible size and weight but each of them could be compared with a complete human being in terms of work potential and highly evolved structure. If the entire human population could be disciplined and motivated to follow righteous path, the world would soon become more beautiful and happier than what could be imagined of the heavens. If all the neurons could be conditioned to function optimally making best use of their latent collective powers, the human brain would certainly manifest divine potentials and supernatural talents....
Because of individual egos and diversities of characters, it may not be possible to control the over 6000 millions of the people inhabiting the earth. However, the population of 10,000 million neurons in one’s own brain could be regulated and gradually conditioned for sublime transformations by a person who has a balanced mind and pure and eminent character and who endeavors to excel his mental potentials with strong will and perseverance. Such endeavors are as difficult, important and glorifying as those of becoming an unchallenged emperor of the entire globe.
Until the last century, extraordinary intelligence and talents were generally attributed to one’s good fortune or divine blessings... Scientific investigations into brain-functions and human psychology have now revealed that such ‘fortunes’ and acumen could be awaken to a great extent by systematic training and endeavors because the brain of every human is endowed with enormous potentials.
Systematic and intensive training enables even animals do what could normally be regarded as impossible for them... One of the research laboratories in Japan has trained monkeys in pattern recognition and arranging the households and office material in proper order. What more! They are even trained in identifying the liars. Experiments are on to see whether the effects of this learning could be transmitted, likewise other natural habits, into the offspring of these trained monkeys...
Training the mind of an individual becomes difficult and attempts of rousing its hidden potentials may be impossible, if he is trapped under the vicious cycle of the malice of ego, arrogance and unchecked ambitions with or without the harmful tendencies of lethargy, despair, aggressive impatience, etc or alcoholic, erogenous and similar addictions..... The mingling of these thraldoms could be broken only if one has an internal desire and strong willpower to do so.
Auto-suggestion, self-introspection and creativity coupled with healthy recreation offer best remedies in depleting the negative tendencies of mind and associated addictions. One should get rid of the inferiority complexes or the feelings of the weaknesses of his mind. If even animals could be made change their natural habits and machines like the computers could be taught then why not a human - the most evolved organism, endowed with so many boons of the mother nature....?
Austerity of living habits, optimistic thinking, stability and purity of mind and emotions and creative industriousness are the preliminary requirements if one wants to progress further in refining his talents. Intensive training and assiduity with unsheltered interest and concentration of mind in a selected area do set the clock in motion and gradually elevated associated intellectual potentials.
Sharp memory supports learning and intellectual development of mind. It has therefore been given primary importance in most of the training methods, including those of the spiritual sadhanas. It is highlighted here that, trenchancy of memory is not always a divine boon or inherited fortune, rather, it could be aroused in every one who adopts a serene, disciplined and balanced mode of life.
The practices of pranayama and dhyana-dharana are integral parts of the initial phase of spiritual sadhanas. Pranayama harmonizes the breathing pattern and triggers maximum supply of oxygen and vital energy to the brain. The scientists of Illinois university and the University of Oregon had conducted series of experiments on breathing habits. They had observed that the children who were not used to deep breathing had lesser memory and intelligence than those in the same age group who used to inhale more oxygen at a regular pace. The effect was more prominent in the elders.
Contemplation of the moment
Serve Man as God
The only way of getting our divine nature manifested is by helping others to do the same. If there is inequality in nature, still there must be equal chance for all - or if greater for some and for some less - the weaker should be given more chance than the strong. In other words, a Brahmana is not so much in need of education as a Chandala. If the son of a Brahmana needs one teacher, that of a Chandala needs ten. For greater help must be given to him whom nature has not endowed with an acute intellect from birth. It is a madman who carries coals to Newcastle. The poor, the downtrodden, the ignorant - let these be your god.
This is the gist of all worship - to be pure and to do good to others. He who sees Siva in the poor, in the weak, and in the diseased, really worships Siva and if he sees Siva only in the image, his worship is but preliminary.
The life of Buddha shows that even a man who has no metaphysics, belongs to no sect, and does not go to any church, or temple, and is a confessed materialist, even he can attain to the highest. He was the only man who was ever ready to give up his life for animals, to stop a sacrifice. He once said to a king:If the sacrifice of a lamb helps you to go to heaven, sacrificing a man will help you better, so sacrifice me.The king was astonished.
The good live for others alone. The wise man should sacrifice himself for others. I can secure my own good only by doing your good. There is no other way, none whatsoever.
Go from village to village, do good to humanity and to the world at large. Go to hell yourself to buy salvation for others When death is so certain, it is better to die for a good cause.
Throughout the history of the world, you find great men make great sacrifices and the mass of mankind enjoy the benefit. If you want to give up everything for your own salvation, it is nothing. Do you want to forgo even your own salvation for the good of the world? You are God, think of that.
Most precious gift
How and from where does thought power emerge? It is hidden in the subliminal cores of our minds. Human mind is indeed a majestic bequest of the Supreme Creator. However advanced it may be, no super computer of the world could ever equal the Nature's masterpiece – the human brain. Even the perceivable faculties of mind reflected in wisdom, intellectual and creative talents, memory, eloquence, etc are unlimited; then what to say about its preeminent inner powers? It is a pity that we, the intelligent beings, use only a negligible fraction of this infinite treasure hidden in our own self. Moreover, whatever fraction of this power we are able to awaken, we spend (or rather waste!) it only in earning and gathering comforts for the physical body and in worthless ego-driven activities and passions.
The realm of thoughts
As the sun spreads the heat and light in all directions, our mind also continuously emits energy radiations in the cosmos through the medium of thoughts, emotions, desires, determinations, inspirations etc. Every human thus inadvertently influences – even without saying or visibly doing anything – the ambience and hence many others around him via these mental radiations.
Throwing a stone in a pond produces wavy currents of water on the surface. Our thoughts also do something similar in the cosmic pool of ether. The waves generated by thoughts are more subtle and of higher frequency than the light or sound waves. These waves do not cease and continue to traverse in the cosmic expansion with superimposition on compatible thought-waves. Because of their circular trajectory, they eventually return back to their origin with more intense resonance effect (due to superimposition), while also influencing on their way the like-minded people, or those whose minds are receptive to similar kinds of thought-waves. Their impact is negative or positive, depending upon the quality of the thought, upon the person from whose mind the thought had emerged and also upon the mental force of others in their domain of influence.
Illustrations of Thought Power
How and from where does thought power emerge? It is hidden in the subliminal cores of our minds. Human mind is indeed a majestic bequest of the Supreme Creator. However advanced it may be, no super computer of the world could ever equal the Nature's masterpiece – the human brain. Even the perceivable faculties of mind reflected in wisdom, intellectual and creative talents, memory, eloquence, etc are unlimited; then what to say about its preeminent inner powers? It is a pity that we, the intelligent beings, use only a negligible fraction of this infinite treasure hidden in our own self. Moreover, whatever fraction of this power we are able to awaken, we spend (or rather waste!) it only in earning and gathering comforts for the physical body and in worthless ego-driven activities and passions.
Impressions of thoughts
What induces radiance and force in the thoughts? If the answer is to be crypt, it would be –– the spiritual light and inner force of emotions pertaining to noble ideals. Only the elevated and enlightened emotions of this kind can inspire the flow of virtuous and trenchant thoughts. The altruist sentiments, piety of character and eminence of endeavors of great souls generate corresponding thought waves and thus bestow enormously more benefits upon the world than the noted contributions of their visible deeds. Presence of benevolent sentiments and mental purity in other (ordinary) people also contributes, though invisibly, in the refinement of the subtle world by combining with compatible thought waves in proportion to their strength and intensity. The same is true of the negative effects of the untoward or debased thoughts. The firm determination and extreme negative psychology of the demonic minds, dreaded criminals and terrorists etc makes the impressions of their perverse thoughts, cruel, scandalous intellectual sharpness quite intense and dense. People with weaker mental makeup are often easily influenced by their thought waves. At times, the resonance of collective thought waves of similar kinds makes them powerful even if they are individually infirm; for example, this is what is happening with erotic thinking these days.
Source:- https://www.awgp.org