How many people actually believe in the idea that the way you think has an effect on your life, and that your thoughts create your results?

Did you know that everything is created twice? Do you understand the power of knowing this? "Everything is created twice".

Let me explain...See that chair in your office (or the desk, the computer or any object in the room)? 

Ask yourself: Where was that chair before it became a chair? 

The answer is it was a thought in the designer's mind before became form and substance. 

Everything is a thought first before it becomes a thing. You know this. What most people don't know is the power of knowing this and how to relate it to the results we create in our lives. You create your results from your thoughts, and if you do not have an extremely clear, defined, detailed end in mind, of what you want to do, be and have in your life you will end up with a life of results by default! That is how it works.

How many of you woke up this morning and actually created a future? You know the biggest reason why people don’t do it, is because they don’t really think it's true….AND IF WE BELIEVE IN THE QUANTUM FIELD OF POTENTIAL THAT SAYS WE CAN DESIGN A FUTURE BASED ON THE WAY WE THINK AND ACT……why do we keep creating the same results & circumstances in our lives? How come we have the same relationships, the same jobs, the same conditions? Why do we keep repeating the same actions and expect a different result?

We think 60-70,000 thoughts a day and 90% of them are the same thoughts as yesterday, and the day before and the day before... If you are human this is how you are programmed. The problem is the brain is a reflection of our environment. The people, the circumstances, the places, the conditions & all the experiences. To truly change our results is to THINK AND ACT differently in the same circumstances.

So how do we re-programme the brain? To change is…

  • to think & act greater than your environment.
  • to think greater than the conditions in your world.

What would you do if you didn’t believe it was impossible? Would you like a free tip sheet from top coaches around the world on how to get the results you would truly love if you didn't think it was impossible? Click here Tip sheet by Top Results & Performance Coaches Around The World to get your free Tips.



