Our team keeps an eye on military mobility
Kalin F. Zahariev
Team lead & adviser to a Member of the European Parliament, security & defence, EU investments
That's right, it is the 4th European Defence and Security Conference. Surprised to see us there? Don't be. We're just getting started by focusing on military mobility under the European Defence Union.
Our message?
Years ago, the EU introduced the free movement of people, goods, services and capitals under the Single market. It works really well and we all benefit from it. We now need to introduce the free movement of troops, equipment, military investment and military services under a European Defence Union.
When it comes to moving troops and military assets, the EU has not one but two Achilles’ heels - material infrastructure and cross-border procedures:
Once operational, the next European Commission will deliver a White Paper on the Future of the European Defence in its first 100 days. Military mobility should be a separate chapter. Also, the Military Mobility Action Plan 2.0 (2022-2026) must be extended to 2027 and we should have a version 3.0 under the 2028-2035 MFF.
We are thankful to the European Defence Agency for this year's edition - plenty of pragmatism, straightforward solutions and case studies.