Our task for 2021: building on the learnings of 2020 and writing success stories
Zdravka Demeter Bubalo
Operating Director of Consumer Services and Retail at INA Grupa
2020 was a challenging year for all of us, for every family, community and company. The pandemic had a deep impact on our life and its consequences will be with us for longer term influencing the HR strategies. I believe that despite all the difficulties 2020 was a good year, since it provided us with a huge opportunity to prove ourselves as individuals and as a community. At MOL Group we proved that we are more agile and flexible than we had thought before, and we learned a lot about collaboration, empathy and inclusion. The advantages of having a diverse workforce were more tangible than ever, since coronavirus brought an increased need for experience sharing, smart working and wellbeing. We faced various unexpected tasks, and HR had a major role to deliver new solutions.
I could not be prouder of my team since MOL Group’s HR proved to be an essential part of effective crisis management, paying attention to both technicalities (solving employment issues, modifying contracts, providing accurate data) and competencies (helping leaders to fill their roles as team heads, motivators, true captains). In more peaceful times, that duty remains with us, and must give HR people a strong sense of purpose and pride.
We need to build on the key learnings of 2020 in order to make our company even more productive and fulfil our colleagues’ expectations. Beginning of 2021 is still very much dominated by the pandemic defense, but besides prevention, we need to focus on speeding up the economy again and prepare for the new challenges.
I believe in 2021:
· we will face new consumer expectations, but we need to keep in mind that our colleagues are also our clients who have new expectations;
· virtual environment and new circumstances will give us a unique opportunity to have global talents on board. So, we need to continue with skill developments, particularly in areas such as leading remotely and focusing on virtual team efficiencies, as well as on much needed IT/digital competencies;
· our workplace needs to be more inclusive than ever. In MOL Group we have conducted a Diversity & Inclusion survey in December to understand where we are and we will work on this aspect in 2021 as well.
Leaders of 2021 and upcoming times are being observed by their teams in all what they do and must act as role models and facilitators of change, improvement and good spirit. Also, they must be aware that being silent or passive about certain things is also a message, meaning acceptance, so they must be very vocal about things they wish to see change.
In 2021 we are rolling out a new set of Success Principles, which will provide guidance for our leaders and colleagues on the expected behaviors and values, such as creating innovation culture and removing obstacles for change. MOL Group, as many of the energy sector companies is in a transformation and has a very clear 2030 strategy. The Success Principles are in line with our strategic goals and will help our colleagues achieve the common and individual goals. These principles have been built on the most important learnings of 2020: collaboration, agility and ownership are the essence of a successful company.
Let me add two other tasks that I strongly believe will be essential in 2021 and beyond. First, there will be a need to re-imagine company culture, the glue that holds organizations together. And second, I hope employer branding initiatives will be more focused on what you have also mentioned: the quality of management and leadership and the organizations’ endevours to satisfy new employee needs and expectations.