Our Stories Behind The Glass
Prompted by friends, these will be stories retold and when time allows, new.
Our stories begin here for the most part in Door County Wisconsin. Written on this glass are the words "So many memories . . .only the beginning" Yes, indeed, now attempting to recall them all for you will be a lifetime challenge. Comment, ask, encourage, or poo poo! I will STOP!
Sidebars will be the author's thoughts about the why and wherefores of how this is being put together. #1. The glass as pictured. Pool sticks are a crossroads where we need to choose our direction. #2. Brick wall, turn back or look for options. #3. Open door. take that option and seek new adventures. #4. Smooth flat surface, keep on going!
Peninsula State Park, family picnics, camping, theater, renewing old acquaintances. All in Door County. Currently visiting with those renewed acquaintances and not so much camping or family picnics. As to the cat pictured, my cousin Richard coined the phrase "Living life with a capital L". Our cat Lena has that kind of life, as do all cats I believe. After all, ancient Egyptians worshiped them as gods, and they have never forgotten it!
Sidebar Continued . . .
Interview itineraries for Pam were to travel to Houston, then Deming New Mexico, then Roswell NM, and then Phoenix, and Tucson.