Our Spirit Is Childlike Regardless of Years
Our spirit, that intangible flame within, defies the chains of time. It dances, ageless and unyielding, across the years. Like a playful sunbeam, it weaves through the fabric of our existence, igniting wonder in the crevices of our hearts.
Childlike, it remains—curious eyes that seek the magic in dew-kissed mornings, unfettered laughter that echoes through meadows, and innocence that knows no cynicism. The years may etch lines upon our skin, but the spirit, oh, the spirit remains untamed.
In the twilight of life, when the sun dips low, our spirit still skips, hand in hand with memories. It collects pebbles of joy, casting them into the river of time, creating ripples that touch eternity. For age is but a cloak, worn lightly by the child within.
So let us embrace our spirit, regardless of the calendar’s decree. Let us chase fireflies, build castles from dreams, and whisper secrets to the moon. For in the childlike corners of our souls, we find the elixir of eternal youth—a timeless dance, a song unsung, and a heart forever young.
Copyright ? Beatriz Esmer