Our souls have deeper connections

Our souls have deeper connections

Quoting from Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta Bg. 2.23 as per Hinduism view about the soul

???? ????????? ????????? ???? ???? ????? ?

? ???? ??????????????? ? ?????? ?????? ? ?? ?

Translation :The soul can never be cut to pieces by any weapon, nor burned by fire, nor moistened by water, nor bound by ropes, or withered by the wind. All kinds of weapons swords, flame weapons, rain weapons, tornado weapons, etc. are unable to kill the spirit soul. It appears that there were many kinds of weapons made of earth, water, air, ether, etc., in addition to the modern weapons of fire.

Even the nuclear weapons of the modern age are classified as fire weapons, but formerly there were other weapons made of all different types of material elements. Fire weapons were counteracted by water weapons, which are now unknown to modern science. Nor do modern scientists have knowledge of tornado weapons. Nonetheless, the soul can never be cut into pieces, nor annihilated by any number of weapons, regardless of scientific devices.

The Māyāvādī cannot explain how the individual soul came into existence simply by ignorance and consequently became covered by the illusory energy. Nor was it ever possible to cut the individual souls from the original Supreme Soul; rather, the individual souls are eternally separated parts of the Supreme Soul.

Because they are atomic individual souls eternally (sanātana), they are prone to be covered by the illusory energy, and thus they become separated from the association of the Supreme Lord, just as the sparks of a fire, although one in quality with the fire, are prone to be extinguished when out of the fire. In the Varāha Purā?a, the living entities are described as separated parts and parcels of the Supreme. They are eternally so, according to the Bhagavad-gītā also. So, even after being liberated from illusion, the living entity remains a separate identity, as is evident from the teachings of the Lord to Arjuna. Arjuna became liberated by the knowledge received from K???a, but he never became one with K???a.

This individual soul is unbreakable and insoluble, and can be neither burned nor dried. He is everlasting, present everywhere, unchangeable, immovable and eternally the same. All these qualifications of the atomic soul definitely prove that the individual soul is eternally the atomic particle of the spirit whole, and he remains the same atom eternally, without change.

The theory of monism is very difficult to apply in this case, because the individual soul is never expected to become one homogeneously. After liberation from material contamination, the atomic soul may prefer to remain as a spiritual spark in the effulgent rays of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but the intelligent souls enter into the spiritual planets to associate with the Personality of Godhead.

The word sarva-gata (“all-pervading”) is significant because there is no doubt that living entities are all over God’s creation. They live on the land, in the water, in the air, within the earth and even within fire. The belief that they are sterilized in fire is not acceptable, because it is clearly stated here that the soul cannot be burned by fire. Therefore, there is no doubt that there are living entities also in the sun planet with suitable bodies to live there. If the sun globe is uninhabited, then the word sarva-gata – “living everywhere” – becomes meaningless.]

When you are repeatedly drawn to another person, especially when that person doesn’t share your ethnicity, your religion, or even some other grouping that’s significant to your personal identity, it may be that connections from previous lifetimes are creating these currents of attraction between you now. Similarly, if you find yourself continually in the company of someone you’d rather avoid because you “just don’t like” them there may be a rough-edged history between you in a past lifetime, possibly even a karmic debt that you’re both dancing around settling because you can’t quite bring yourselves to deal with it directly (getting such debts settled can take several tries before it gets done).

On the other hand, bear in mind that sometimes two body types are unusually attracted to each other, and that’s more a matter of chemistry, pheromones, ideals of beauty, etc. Often I have met people and I can almost feel what they were to me in other lifetimes. A son may be over protective of his mother and possibly her husband in a past life.

You may say a mother may be jealous of her daughter and they may have been sisters or friends who had fallen apart in another life. The list goes on and on. But, you asked about a spiritual connection. I would say that is different. When you meet someone who is on a similar path and interested in working on themselves and understanding life, likely this is a spiritual connection. People who are on a spiritual path can be very consumed by it.

When and if you connect to someone like this while you yourself are feeling the same way, it is often a good union. Spiritual partners help each other to grow and learn. If you are lucky enough to meet someone like this it will be of great value to you. You don’t until you put the effort in to connect them. This comes through years of love, heartache, tough times, and lots more love. Before then, you are just two spirit connected only by being a creation of God.

However, if you are looking for someone with an instant connection that you can be passionately romantic with, then I think you are lazy in love and don’t want to put the time and effort into developing a real relationship. Stop worrying about finding a soulmate. Find someone that you connect with in many ways, interests, hobbies, lookout on life, etc. Develop the friendship and turn it into love. And then strengthen the bonds of love till that person has soul connections with you. Cheers!

ES Jagadeeshwar

Independent Law Practice Professional

4 年

Nice, I think, the soul relations are related to this physical world only. Once the physical body is dead in this physical world, the said relations will not be resurrected unless we have taken birth on this earth again. This issue is a very, very typical issue. We can see the unite or separation of soulmates due to any reason on this earth. They may have relations for births together. To understand the essence of Atman or Atma Tatwa one must enter into nirbeeja samadhi as per Patanjali Yoga Sutras. As per these Sutras final step is Dharma Megha Samadhi. It is more interesting to note that in Mahishasura Mardani Sthotra ( Sloka 16) .. Ma Durga experienced Suratha samadhi, Samana Samadhi, Samadhi Samadhi .. the exact essence of this state of mind is not known clearly. There is a clear segregation between this physical world and spiritual world. To go into depths one must root out all types of seeds of both good and bad karmas i.e. to lead to nirbeeja samadhi. People experience sufferings on this earth only or in some other areas in cosmos also is also not clearly known. Without having clarity one cannot interpret the teachings of like Sri Adi Sankara.


