Our Society and its Brutality
Everyone tells me that acceptance to your life is the first step on the Path to Guaranteed Success. And yet, i have no idea what that means.
Are we talking Money? A big Job? A Mansion in the Community of Mansions.
Some parents say, "Success is about becoming your True Self." But how many Parents want their Kids to do that?
Parents and Institutions ignore evidence about how to raise Happy Children. And then expect us to just be Happy or Force us to be just as unhappy as them.
Studies show that Adolescent are Nocturnal. Our biorhythms cause us to stay up later and wake up later. And yet Institutions still start at 8:00 am.
Studies also shows that GPA and Standardized test scores do not accurately Measure future academic, professional or personal Success. And yet those are still the barometers of Acceptance.
I could go on and on but you get the point.
So why doesn't the system adopt? I'll tell you WHY.
Because this System is more dedicated to itself than to Future Generations.
The system rewards drones, rule-followers, test-takers. We Graduate, make money, have kids and continue the Cycle. And I’ve felt for years that my Dreams have been sanded down so that I can fit into the Mechanism of this Machine.
Once someone told me, “What kills your Future is Fear.” It kills the pursuit of the Unknown. Now it took a while, but I’ve learned how right that someone was.