Our Slices

Our Slices

There are many things that we simply do not understand why and how they happen; one of the hardest to face is inside our relationships, ‘cause we cannot control the other guy, we only have control over ourselves (O Winfrey). If a man’s wife is mad about him, you can expect a strange and bother day for sure! Scientists could call it quantum entanglement – married people, knows it very well, and in the truth, we expect such kind of result no matter how much time it takes. That’s the point! The reality is co-created by the observer. Where there is no consciousness, there is no time (W G Trotman). In the truth, everything that is put into the one’s world of the very large is done by atomic and subatomic particles and these particles are made of pure energy, whose control is given by the one’s awareness. In other words, the whole Universe cannot exist without the lively things awareness concept.

The most impressive fact brought by scientist today is that we determine the final state for a photon like a particle by influencing its wave's direction with our intention! In fact, the mere act of opening the box of Schrodinger will determine the state of the cat, although in this case there were three determinate states the cat could be in: these being Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious (T Pratchett). If we can pick any position about it, there are chance of taking what fit better in our goals, at home, at job, anytime – although not killing the cat can seems to be enough, a nervous cat can scratch us a bit, and likewise, everything that we get in feedback for any action we take, so we need to be responsible for ourselves.

Some folks like Wheeler and Wigner believe that there is a possibility of we have effectively, through our observation, eg. intention, desire and will, an very interesting form of waves behavior interference and particles organization, determining the way expressed in the world known as real. Translated, what we desire can interfere with what exists around us. A possible linkage , ‘cause mind and matter are from the same thing, energy, whose organization and vibration give the trend that this is it and that is that. Atoms are not things they are only tendencies (M Heisenberg). We really shouldn’t make our thoughts be directed to bad feelings, thoughts are things, like car, walls and food, they are all the same things organized differently each other.

For all that we've seen here so far, first of all, we can perceive that we can do a lot more than usually people tell us that we can do, second, we are responsible for what we do and we are co creators of the results we achieve, third, we are part of everything around us – God, Universe, no matter the name we call it, and fourth, desires must be taken carefully because we are not using just imagination, but doing some contribution to the construction of mankind reality; the limit of 10 percent of brain usage can be a misunderstood and we can be using a large portion of our capacity, although once time is an illusion we can be using it focusing only one of the slices of bread that God made us to our table.





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