Our Sh*t is our gold: Edition 2
March newsletter
Wow, March so far has been filled with insight and transformation and I’m going to share some of that with you here.
This month there’s been a theme and that’s been honesty. It’s been prevalent in all of my clients conversations. Not only from my clients but from myself as a coach, there have been one or two instances of challenging conversations and as a result, some huge insight for my clients.
As you read these insights take some time to reflect on these for yourself and how they might apply to your life. This is what is called third party listening, the ability to take what you ear in others and apply it to yourself.
Part 1…
You complain a lot….. ?I’ve been working with this person for just under six months now, she’s an incredible woman. A retired nurse executive and now is creating herself as a health/wellness coach. Our work has been on closing the gap between who she is now and who she needs to be to have everything she wants.
In one of our conversations I noticed the context of what she was sharing contained complaints, I’d noticed a few times in our conversations she would often complain about things. Not in the context of making things better or to change things but simply complaints.
As a coach I’m aware that when there’s complaints there’s a request that isn’t being met so I shared this with her.
“I notice you complain a lot”
My client took a minute to let that sink in and she shared: “I do, I think I always have done”
What came from that was an incredible and deep conversation. We explored how complaining helps my client avoid difficult conversations, in that in blaming others she doesn’t have to take responsibility for things she feels are challenging. Deeper down there was a judgement: I’m not good enough to do this and I am not worth it”
Her request was: Help me be more confident.
This has opened up some beautiful work.
Now my client is stepping into certainty in herself, she is bolder and more courageous and she is so much better at being unattached to things in her life.
So my invitation to you is: what do you notice yourself complaining about? Maybe often? And what is the request that you have?
Part 2: Wake the F up…..
This isn’t a client story it’s something I’ve been talking a lot about in my public talks and podcast: You can listen to the latest episode here, in the video I talk about living as, you're living the best day of your life.
The importance of this subject is the difference between being happy, powerful, creative and free vs living in resistance and frustration.
If you'd rather listen to the audio you can do that here
This subject always gets a huge response when people realise who they are being now isn’t who they need to be to have what they want.
It’s about waking up to who we really are
We live the majority of our lives on autopilot. Day in day out we repeat most of what we do and who we are, for the most part this is fine if not necessary, we couldn’t possibly consciously think of everything we’d go mad!
However, unless we slow down and wake up to the fact that:
-??????There are things we aren’t happy with we want to change
-??????There are things we really want and haven’t made time for or allowed ourselves to have
-??????There are goals we’ve tried to achieve a few times which have failed and we keep trying to achieve them with no success or we’ve simply given up
Our lives can become unfulfilling and we can feel dissatisfied or disinterested. This often shows up as resistance, frustration, lack of motivation or boredom and worse case our health begins to suffer.
Most of us in my experience are capable of so much more than we currently believe or are willing to acknowledge, slowing down and waking up to our potential and/or our desires is vital for a fulfilling, happy and successful life.
When is the last time you slowed down to analyse your life? Where you are now and where you want to be?
I notice this is particularly helpful to people in a position of authority/ leadership. Without slowing down and taking a look, we inadvertently create what we don’t want in ourselves and the people we are leading over and over again. Strong and powerful leadership takes ownership and self-inquiry, regularly. We must see how WE are being is directly creating the people around us.
When is the last time you slowed down with someone to see where you are in your life? in your business or your work, and to see if it’s aligned with where you want to be?
Are you clear that who you are being is creating the results you see in your life?
If the answer is no my invitation to you is to do exactly that, it’ll very likely change your life and the life of those around you.
If in reading this article you're seeing that there's opportunity for you to re create your life in a way that feels more aligned to where you want to be, you can book a call with me here or simply message me on Linked in. This call is complimentary and it's a pure coaching session. What I require is that you come to the call with something(s) you want to work on and you're clear on what you want from the call. It'll be fun, transformative and life changing.
Serious enquiries only please.
Until next month
Loving, Sam
CEO, CUES ● Leadership & Talent Development ● Frequent Keynote Speaker ● Credit Union Impact Strategy ● Master Facilitator ● Unlocking Potential for People & Organizations ● Based in Austin, Texas, Serving Globally
1 年Such valuable insights as always, Sam!