Our September 2023 Newsletter is Here!

Our September 2023 Newsletter is Here!

We hope you all had a lovely summer! Now it is back to it and no doubt Q4 has a lot on it's to do list.

In this newsletter, we tell you how data can help you make better business and people management decisions.

A lot of businesses decide to act upon gut instinct (our Founder, Natalie Ellis Chartered FCIPD speaks often about this subject, but having the evidence to back up those decision is equally important.

Here are some ways that data can help in the decision making process:

1. You can understand how employee engagement impacts staff retention, turnover, and absence.

Recruitment, training, and employee absences amount to big costs to businesses. All of these things can be managed and avoided by understanding the reason why people leave or why their absence levels are high.

This can be done by accurately recording absences in your HR system and running regular reports (at Rebox HR ? , we do this for our clients by using the Breathe system).

When you identify what is going on, you can take steps to bridge the gaps and have those all important conversations to manage the situation effectively.

2. You can understand if learning and development schemes actually work.

All businesses know that they need to ‘invest’ in their team. But does that investment actually improve bottom line, or are you just throwing money down the drain? Again, by looking at the evidence, you will be able to clearly see if there has bee a return on that investment. This will enable you to make more informed decisions in the future.

3. Your HR team can become strategic partners.

Data can also enable your HR team to add more value by becoming a more strategic partner in the business. If you don't have an HR team, speak to your consultant, or give us a call. We can tell you how HR can add value to your business strategy.

Latest news

Stop sending ‘no-context’ messages!

The ‘Sunday blues’ are a reality for loads of employees in the UK, and one of the biggest causes is a no-context message from their manager.

This is the same as an email along the lines of “we need to talk Monday”, sent on a Friday afternoon. What may seem like an innocent message to you can be a cause for worry for your employees - 38% of those who suffer the Sunday blues attribute it to this.

Next time you’re tempted to send a message like that, don't! Please save it for when you see your employee on Monday morning.

Flexible working

According to research, 49% of UK based employees have said that they would make a flexible working request from day one of employment.

Employers need to be aware that there are some changes in the law coming next year (the "day one" headlines are factually correct!), so to show you what this new legislation looks like, we are hosting a free webinar in October to highlight the changes and what employers need to do.

It's time for some of our FAQ's!

My employee is terminally ill, what are my obligations?

Terminal illness is covered under the Equality Act 2010, which requires employers to make reasonable adjustments for sick or disabled employees. You can’t make your employee redundant or force them out. For more advice get in touch.

How should I handle Christmas holiday requests?

The requests will soon be rolling in, so it’s important to have a plan when lots of people want the same time off. Either allocate leave on a first-come, first-served basis, or perhaps decide the business will close over a period. Always be as fair as you can be!

Do all my employees have to automatically enrol in a pension scheme?

If they’re eligible – meaning they’re over 22 years old and earning at least £10,000 a year. Staff may opt-out if they want to, but it’s your duty to automatically enrol them.

Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter, we hope you've found it useful. Remember this is just an outline and not to be taken as legal advice. Contact us for expert HR advice, our details are below.


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