Our selected reading of the week
NATO Strategic Direction-South Hub
'...development of peaceful and friendly relations… promoting conditions of stability and well-being' Art.2 NATO Chart
Analysis of Conflicts in Blue Nile Region
Blue Nile region has been characterized by conflicts for several years but the situation worsened in 2022. Since 19th October, 2022 approximately 191 people were killed including Women and children and injuring 220 others from Gomez, Hausa and Berta tribes living in the towns of Arousers Dam in Wad Almahi locality in Blue Nile region. Additionally, 95,000 Hausa members were displaced to other States in Sudan and others crossed the boarders to Ethiopia as refugees. Approximately 30 Sudanese Army Forces (SAF) soldiers were tried and convicted by the military judiciary parish (military court) and sentenced to 15 to 20 years imprisonment depending on the charges as provided for under the SAF law, 1986. 10 MI officer were resultantly transferred from Blue Nile to other Sudanese states. Read here
NATO Southern Hub's weekly selection of news, events & publications pertaining to Security. Publications stem?from open sources, press agencies and?academia. They do not reflect the views of the?Hub?or any other NATO agency.