Our Second Homeland
Our Second Homeland
Dec 8 2024
Winnie Nguyen Pham
????????? When I was a little, I had never thought that I would have the second homeland. I did travel a lot. I had been in USA for my studies but USA is not becoming our second homeland like many. However, Australia is becoming my second homeland now after many challenging issues in our life. Yes, we were not the richest family but we have been the greatest educational family in the world with the long journey to come to Australia and now it is becoming our Second Homeland then. Since we came here until now, many Australian Immigrations Laws have been changing to meet the high standards for our social life even though in the past, there were many ridiculous for the Policies in Australia.
????????? For example: in the past, the Visa Subclass 115 in Australia did not allow for us to sponsor the last relative onshore. Moreover, in this Visa required that people needed to wait for nearly 50 years to come to Australia and stay in Australia. With this requirement was not fair because none of us could wait for nearly 50 years to meet and reunion with their family members.
????????? With the news debating polices for Visa Subclass 115 currently in the Australian Congress, there are many advantages for our Australian Citizens’ happiest life. With this changing, the Australian Citizens can sponsor for their last daughter or son or sister or brother to come to Australia in the soon time after submitting the application to Department of Home Affairs in Australia. However, before doing this application, we need to have the invitation for this Visa Subclass 115 with EOI who is one department from Department of Home Affairs in Australian Government.
????????? What are the requirements which we need to meet up to get the EOI invitation letter for the Visa Subclass 115? ?All family members of the visa applicant must have Australian Citizenship except the last remaining person. This is a resolute and mandatory requirement of the Visa Subclass 115 application. ?To apply for a 115 Visa for a last relative, only the last relative's parents or legal siblings have the right to apply for a 115 Visa, not the last relative's family members. has the right to apply for Visa Subclass 115. To prove the relationship between relative, it will be proven by a Birth Certificate. Adopted children are also not considered for Visa Subclass 115, nor are sworn brothers considered for this Visa Subclass 115. The applicant applying for Visa Subclass 115 must have at least a Bachelor's degree. And there are no bonus points. If all family members have at least a Bachelor's degree, they will receive an additional 5 points. If there are 2 people in the family with a Master's degree, they will get 10 extra points. If there is 1 person in the family with a PhD degree, at least 15 points will be awarded.
????????? Benefits of Visa Subclass 115 recipients are: After passing Visa Subclass 115, relative will finally be recognized as Australian Permanent Citizen. The last relative who wants Australian Citizenship must live in Australia for at least 4 years from the date of Visa Subclass 115 without leaving Australia. Children of the last relative under 18 years old have the right to study at public schools for free. The last relative can work full time in Australia 40 hours/week under normal taxes like Australians and have normal Medicare like all Australians. Before the last relative receives the 115 Visa, they only have the right to legally work part time in Australia, i.e. 20 hours/week, legally file tax returns until their 115 Visa is processed.
????????? The last relative's child under 18 years old before the Visa Subclass 115 application is completed will have the right in Australia to study at a public school with a 50% discount on tuition. Last relative does not have the right to apply for unemployment benefits during the first 5 years of coming to Australia. The spouse of the accompanying last relative also has the same rights as the last relative.
????????? Visa Subclass 115 process handles: All applications for Visa Subclass 115 must go through EOI. If the EOI does not accept and send invitation letters for each Visa Subclass 115 case, no one will be allowed to apply for Visa Subclass 115 and the Department of Immigration will not process the Visa Subclass 115 application. All Visa Subclass 115 applications must go through EOI and submit all necessary documents to help EOI review the Visa Subclass 115 application as quickly as possible. There is no fee to apply for an invitation letter to apply for Visa Subclass 115 through EOI. From the date of submitting the application for Visa Subclass 115 invitation letter to the date of receiving the invitation letter, from 2 weeks to 8 weeks or faster if the application is clear and has clear documents and strong finances.
????????? Visa Subclass 115 application processing time is: Processing time will range from 18 months to 48 months depending on each case and each visa application. If finances are strong and the source of money is clear and the sponsored person has the minimum qualifications required by the EOI and the minimum English proficiency, the Visa Subclass 115 application time will be faster and can be processed. within 3 months to 6 months after being invited to apply for EOI Visa Subclass 115.
????????? About the finance, the person applying for Visa Subclass 115 sponsorship must prove enough finances to sponsor his or her last relative for the first 5 years when that person comes to Australia to live and when applying for unemployment benefits for the last relative. The person applying for Visa Subclass 115 sponsorship must prove that they can provide 1 week of 200 AUD for spending money for the applicant and 300 AUD / week for rent (if the person applying for Visa Subclass 115 has a house in Australia, then Must bring home sale documents to submit to the EOI department to consider wafting this amount) and 150 AUD/week for meals. That is, the person applying for Visa Subclass 115 sponsorship must prove that they can provide 1,000 AUD per week for 1 person being sponsored. That means 1,000 AUD/week 4 weeks 12 months = 48,000 AUD for 1 guarantor. ?????????
This means that when applicants apply for Visa Subclass 115, they must have 100,000 AUD in their account and must prove the source of money through payroll or if they have a business, they must provide monthly and annual tax declarations in addition to the document. Copy of bank savings account for 100,000 AUD in cash to avoid making fake documents declaring the source of money. Regarding proof of source of money, it is possible that if you do business, your business may be at a loss, but you can provide tax declarations for the most recent 3 years, including tax loss declaration for the business and savings account for 3 years. latest from the date of applying for Visa Subclass 115. Regarding finances, all Visa Subclass 115 applications must have a saving account when submitting the EOI of 100,000 AUD, which is a firm and mandatory requirement. If the applicant can prove that they can provide accommodation for the legally sponsored person, they do not need to prove that they have 100,000 AUD in their savings account. But these proofs must be legal through proof of source of money.
????????? Other requirements are: You have an interpreter certificate issued by NAATI, para-professional interpreter or translator (level 2) Bonus points 5 points. You have completed the 1-year Professional Year course (for IT, accounting, engineering) Bonus points 5 points. Both. Bonus points 10 points.
????????? Marital status is: Single score bonus 15 points. Spouse under 45 years old, has IELTS 6 each/PTE 50 each and passes skills review on the list applicable for the visa type you will apply for and has a minimum Bachelor's degree without accompanying children (Plus points 10 points bonus). Spouse under 45 years old & has IELTS 6 each/PTE 50 each and has a minimum College degree with accompanying children under 18 years old (Plus bonus points 5 points). The above descriptions do not apply to me (Bonus points 0 points). People with children under 18 years old without a partner get 15 bonus points.
????????? In case of applying for Visa Subclass 115 on shore, they are: Yes (Bonus points 5 points). No (Bonus points 0 points). All of applications for all types of onshore Visa in Australia can be legally applied for Visa Subclass 115 transfer. The reason why the Ministry of Immigration encourages applying for Visa Subclass 115 on shore is to have excellent human resources and meet the humanity and kindness of the world because no one lives for 50 years waiting to meet their last relatives. similar to Australia's old Visa Subclass 115 law. All tourist visa applications to Australia can apply to change to Visa Subclass 115 legally and live in Australia and wait for the Visa Subclass 115 application to be processed.
????????? Visa Subclass 115 applications can be submitted offshore and on shore and are accepted. For Visa Subclass 115 on shore application, while waiting for the application to be processed, the applicant can legally work part time in Australia, i.e. 20 hours/week and declare taxes clearly and the applicant's children are under 18. age can study in Australia at public schools with tuition reduced by 50% until the Visa Subclass 115 application is completed.
????????? Duration of study in Australia for at least 1 degree (in the last 36 months from the time of applying for Visa and EOI), the requirements are: There are 6 months for Certificate or Diploma for 2nd degree (bonus points 5 points). If we have at least 1 year of study time for a 2nd degree in Australia, i.e. 12 months’ full time student. (Bonus points 10 points). Have studied for at least 2 years for a Bachelor's or Master's degree or Ph.D, i.e. 92 weeks full time (Bonus points 15 points). No (bonus points 0 points).
????????? Work experience outside of Australia (including work experience in fields outside the expertise of the second degree or including other degrees but must be in a leadership position of at least Manager). Under 3 years, points plus 0 points. From 3 to 4 years, points plus 5 points. From 5 to 7 years. points plus 10 points. Minimum 8 years, points plus 15 points.
????????? English Scores requires: IELTS 7.0 each; PTE 65 each. Have a Master's degree from a school that speaks English as your mother tongue. And get 5 bonus points. IELTS 8.0 each, PTE 79 each. Have a PhD from an English-speaking school. And get 10 bonus points. IELTS 6.0 each, PTE 50 each, if we have a Bachelor's degree studying at an English-speaking school for a Bachelor's degree. No English test required and no bonus points. For sponsored applicants, they must have a minimum English proficiency of IELTS 6.0 each, PTE 50 each, and have a Bachelor's degree in studying at an English-speaking school for a Bachelor's degree. No English test required and no bonus points. If the applicant does not have minimum English proficiency, he or she will not be considered for sponsorship because this is a firm and mandatory requirement.
????????? Ages of sponsor for Visa Subclass 115 are: Under 18 years old get 0 bonus points. From 18 years old to 24 years old, there are 15 bonus points. From 25 years old to 32 years old, there are 20 bonus points. From 33 years old to 39 years old, there are 30 bonus points. From 40 years old to 44 years old, there are 20 bonus points. From 45 to 50 years old, there are 15 bonus points. For those who are sponsored and have a family, they are still considered as spouses. If the children are under 18 years old, they can go under Visa Subclass 115. If the sponsored person has a family and their children are over 18 years old, then they can apply for Visa Subclass 115. Their children cannot be accompanied, only the couple is considered for this 115 Visa application.
????????? Supporting qualifications are: Applicants with a Certificate or Diploma of level 2 will receive 10 bonus points. Applicants with a Bachelor's, Master's or Ph.D degree 2 will receive an additional 15 bonus points.
????????? Education level are: All Visa Subclass 115 applicants must have at least a university degree in Australia or other countries. If the applicant only has a College degree or diploma or Certificate, whether in Australia or any other country, he or she will not meet the basic conditions to apply for Visa Subclass 115. The sponsor does not need to have a Bachelor's degree, Master's degree or Doctoral degree. But the sponsored person must have at least a Bachelor's degree with a minimum good university transcript. If the guaranteed applicant's university grades are not at least quite good, the applicant is not entitled to apply for Visa Subclass 115 because this is the decisive and minimum thing for applicants who want to apply for these Visa categories even though the applicant Study a Bachelor's degree anywhere in the world including Australia. For example, if the applicant graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Australia or any other country with a university average, the applicant does not have the right to apply for this visa, i.e. Visa Subclass 115. The applicant has a minimum good university degree and no bonus points for applicants with a good university degree. Applicants with a Master's degree will have 5 bonus points. Applicants with a Ph.D degree will have 10 bonus points.
????????? “The total score to pass the EOI test is a minimum of 45 points for Visa Subclass 115.”
????????? With all the new changing, it will drive the life in the Australian life better because we do have the nicest labors with all the educational skills even maybe they are not in the right majors but they are still good then. Also, with this policy, we will meet to the global human being laws for all of us including in Australia. That will make the economic in Australia change in the shortest time. That is why we all would like the Australian Congress make out and publish this policy as soon as we can do without debating for the right and the wrong of those policies because if we do not change it, the human being and the labors in Australia will be shaking up. That is why we love to become the second homeland as meaning that we want to build up our life in Australia then with the humanity of the global world.
????????? Yes, for sure with the poor of the shaking poor economics in Australia, we need to change the Immigration policies in Australia to bring up our second homeland to become one of the most developing countries after USA and UK then. With the uneducated labors, we will have to face with this problem that is the bad sides of the economics because the Citizens and the Permanent Citizens here will be lazy then they do not want to work. They always want to ask the Government Treasury money for supporting the life of them. That is the worst situation for our economic of one country which none of us wants to look at it. That is the biggest issue problems which we need to solve out as soon as possible.
????????? Yes, with this changes, we do know that it is not easy for all because we are requiring that the applicants need to have the least Bachelor Degree with the greatest GPA then if they want to apply for. But to meet to the world economic standards, we need to make out this police with this requirement then. As my official explanations and my wishes for the Visa Subclass 115 which I did turn to the Australian Congress early and wait for them to agree with it, I hope I can change Australia in the greatest sides as the greatest developing country to make all have money for foods without homeless sleeping in the roads in downtown then and we will have no tears from the kids out then. I want that we can make out the world economic histories for Australia to turn on the another page of the global ones in next 5 years at least more later than 10 years with all our changing for our new policies even they are very difficult for many then but we need, too.
????????? We are promising that we will learn from the First Singaporean President and the First Singaporean Lady to drive the Australians no tear out as the soon and later dreams because we are the country having a lot of resources and lands out there. What we do need that we need to build up the infrastructure for us. How and where we have money for it is the hard question. That means we need to have the great relationship with all many developing countries and we need to have the great policies for the foreigner investors who can come over our Second Homeland and want to stay here to bring up our life then. After having all the foreigner investors, we do need to have the greatest educational labors. That is why we need to change the policies to be ready for having the greatest economic country then especially about the Immigration Laws in Australia soon then before we shut down the Immigration Laws like Singapore to keep Australian Economics safe and steady without messy for the Australian Citizens’ life soon and later then with many new wonderful Economic projects which the Australian Congress are discussing now and planning out for our Second Homeland Citizens’ life in Australia.
????????? As that promising, we are needing the time to bring our truth of bring up the Citizens’ life in Australia to at least the same as Singapore. We need to change many policies which we hope all our Australian Citizens and our Global Investors to understand for us and for what we do now and what we are changing now in our Laws no matter they are in Australian Immigration Laws or any Laws then. That is the need for us to help our life out.
????????? For example: with the worst of economic down in Australia, many States in Australia are poor but in Queensland, they give out the 0.50 cents per one trip for every people and free for the kids. Also, they give the discounts for the electric bills for their Queensland Citizens. How do you feel about this? Do you know that we have to work hard for you to give you the greatest opportunities for your life without complaining with you any matter? Even in USA, it is the biggest and most developing country in the world, they do not give you 0.50 cents for one bus trip per person forever then. Or furthermore, they do not give you discounts for your electric bills like Queensland State in Australia in couple few months which were nearly one year ago and this policy is still existing to the current now.
????????? “Yes, we are ready to go for the next chapter of the world Economic history of Australia. We are here for you, all. Please come and join your lovely time in Australia as our Second Homeland then with all your best benefits’ life without being confused in your mind then.”
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Hope you both have a great time! Sounds like fun is definitely on the agenda.