OUR SABB. DAY CONF. CALL LN." (978) 990-5233 ~ Code: 3416086# Sat. Jan. 7, @ 4pm (CST) APOS. RONNIE BAILEY Host & Spkr.
Today ~ OUR SABB. DAY CONF. CALL LN." (978) 990-5233 ~ Code: 3416086# Sat. Jan. 7, @ 4pm (CST) APOS. RONNIE BAILEY Host & Spkr. ~ SIS. MELANIE FORD Anncr ~ A Special Revelational Message shared by Apostle Ronnie Bailey. ~ "Let he that have ears to hear, let them hear" (Rev. 3:22a) What Is GOD'S Plan For Our Lives In 2023! ~ A Service You Can't Afford To Miss!