Our Programming Doesn’t Allow Unified Action
We may have a society, we still act very tribal. (AI art of photo with Nightcafé)

Our Programming Doesn’t Allow Unified Action

Stop believing business guru's who have 'the answer'.

Stop believing in the one model solving everything. Stop believing that what worked once for someone else, applies to everyone everywhere. Stop believing all noses in the same direction is needed, let alone even possible.

When disaster strikes, some are programmed to run, some to freeze, and some to fight.

Sometimes those who fought would save the day, sometimes those that ran would survive, and sometimes those that froze weren’t found or deemed too weak to kill.?To change your deep programming is near impossible to do.

How Truly Diverse We Are.

When a fire breaks out, those that run may live, those that saved goods may be better equipped to deal with the aftermath, those that seek to extinguish the fire may end it, or stop it long enough for others to save their skin. Many people may adjust tactics given their estimate of the situation, yet one’s programming always comes first and is dominant.

Nature doesn’t know what will happen. Anything may happen. So nature helped us prepare for the ‘what might happen’, but it can’t know what that is, until it happens. Whatever the disaster, the diversity of reactions made sure some would survive. When humanity was young, this worked well. Now many have found ways to predict or even measure a ‘what will happen, when this or that occurs’. And they want to convince everybody to have a unified reaction. This goes against our programming, even when the prediction is wise.?

When a war happens, some will fight to save themselves, others will fight for others. Some will enforce unity so we may stand together. Some will flee to live. Some will make a profit on black markets or through smuggling people. Some will enforce the law, some will break the law to make things work in hard times. Who is to say who chose the most wise? What if this diversity of reactions is the most wise? What if we accepted our natural diversity of reactions more? What if the full diversity of reactions was the best reaction for all?

Embrace Diversity

Governments desire everyone to have the same reaction to ‘their solution’. They claim that the same rule applies to everyone is fair. It actually isn't. We all know some tax rules work best for those who can afford an accountant and hurt those with trouble reading. Trying to push one single program onto all, is against how we were built. Some always want to protect the ‘old ways’, some always want to ‘improve things’ the way they see fit. Some always look to their own benefit in whatever ruling they make or receive. Some always want to better the lives of others, and may forget themselves. In small groups in nature this diversity helps people to be a living tribe that can handle most crises. In a huge society it tends to become one side pushing their programming onto others. What program wins may shift. The consequences may change. To think one programming may save all, is against (our) nature. It's what lives in the middle of all voices that is where we'll head together. Thus start listening to the middle, where the campfire burns.

Acknowledge and Reward All Roles More Equal

If nature built us for a diversity of reactions in nature, to have one healthy tribe, then why do we reward the best at self care best, and devalue those who give most love and effort to others? In a healthy family the balance between these roles makes sure everyone benefits. But we know in groups over 500 people, or with strong hierarchies, suddenly the importance of helping the whole is downplayed and self enrichment seen as successful. This is so damaging to our society, fairness, future even. Those that are programmed to help others the most, are abused by those who get richer from looking the other way. Massive amounts of depression, drop outs, desperation and poverty all come from the disparity in how we value roles to job to status and income, not to actual being a constructive member of the group as a whole. And those who take best care of themselves are totally the wrong leaders for our planets future.

We need to acknowledge differences is character, programming and see how they all are designed to contribute to the family. And we need to value each role, each individual and help them find ways to shine, and a place where they actually benefit the whole. Great hunters aren't great leaders; great mothers are.

Comment of the sage: “If this is true, then I cannot give one all defining wisdom.”

Comment of the fool: “Welcome to my world. You do you. I do us.”

(This text is part of a work in progress called "The Fool Rules")


