Our Profound Human Need for Beauty
Leonor Gra?a Moura
Systems Thinking | Service Design | UX | Innovation & Transformation | Mentor & Coach for Innovators, Leaders & Change Makers
Explore the Vital Role of Beauty in Nurturing Your Soul, Balancing Chaos
"Art is, nowadays, our new religion, and museums are our cathedrals”
Over two years ago I stumbled upon this thought-provoking statement while listening to Alain de Botton's lecture on art therapy, and it left me wondering about the profoundity of these words. This statement resonates deeply in an age where traditional religiosity is waning, but our spiritual yearnings remain as potent as ever.
Consider this: In the absence of a divine figure to provide solace and lend an ear to our most profound existential yearnings, where do we turn to find purpose, meaning, and ethical guidance? How do we cope with moments of sadness, disbelief, doubt, and the anxiety that stems from our inherent mortality?
Jonh Vervaeke, a prominent philosopher, paints a stark picture: We're in the midst of a mental health crisis
While acknowledging the complexity of this issue, we must recognize the role of Beauty in restoring a sense of the sacred to our lives. In an era where wisdom and meaning appear elusive, art - whether in the form of poetry, music, gardening, dance, ritual or painting - can help fill the void left by the absence of divine guidance. It serves as a collective mirror, reflecting our emotions and feelings and dignifying their existence. This, in turn, creates the internal space necessary for nurturing wisdom
Throughout history, beauty has stood as one of humanity's ultimate values, alongside goodness, truth, and justice. Although a thorough philosophical discussion on beauty lies beyond the scope of this article, I find that as consciousness evolves, the distinction between superficiality and profound beauty becomes increasingly evident to me.
Beauty, through art and creative expression
Art in its diverse forms serves as a sanctuary, shielding us from the onslaught of distressing news, political turmoil, wars, crises, and general confusion. It reminds us that beauty and contemplation are essential nourishment for a healthy soul and psyche. Beauty possesses the unique power to create islands of hope amidst the torrent of psychological debris that assaults us daily. It redirects our gaze from the existential abyss, granting us the freedom to feel and complete our emotional experiences.
Furthermore, art reminds us of our shared humanity and suffering. Beneath the facade of perpetual enthusiasm and light-heartedness perpetuated on social media, we must recognize our right to vulnerability and fragility. It's high time we embrace our humanity fully, exploring its many facets. Let's welcome nostalgia, immerse ourselves in the colors of sadness, and celebrate the inspiration found in melancholy. By doing so, we risk unsettling others with our humanity, fostering genuine connections.
These fleeting moments, these rare windows that open and close spontaneously, hold the dimension of the sacred - a realm situated between factual accumulation and the meaning we attribute to our experiences. They are critical points on life's landscape where profound meaning resides.
There exists a beauty that transcends mere aesthetics, inspiring the best within us and connecting us with the fundamental values of conscious existence: goodness and truth. To immortalize the ephemeral nature of our existence is possible through these moments, where the "here and now" opens windows to another realm. These moments of complete presence connect us with ultimate truth and the sacred. They represent a glorious sensation that we can glimpse in art, music, mythological stories, the breath of a loved one, an unexpected letter, or the smile of a child. They leave behind a trail of significance, reminding us of the reference points we need to navigate life's complexities.
Now, here's the connection to conscious development and leadership. We are all imbalanced in one way or another, whether it's excessive rationality, sensitivity, masculinity, femininity, optimism, pessimism, scientific thinking, or artistic inclination. Each of us embodies an excess of something, making us unique canvases.
Art, beauty, ritual, and color can provide the missing elements our unconscious craves, provoking reactions within us. With this awareness, we can follow the cues that images, colors and notes offer, correcting our imbalances and nurturing the colors absent from our life's canvas. Understanding our chaos allows us to embrace it, integrating all the colors to become whole human beings. Similarly, conscious leadership thrives on the synergy of diverse colors, co-creating unique and meaningful palettes of existence. Balance involves a perpetual dance between chaos and order, with beauty flourishing through conscious inner contemplation.
Awareness of our chaos informs us of the structures necessary for our flourishing. It reveals our need for routines, moments of solitude, patterns, and systems to harmonize the complexity of our contrasts. This process involves analyzing our conflicting thoughts and emotions and creating coherent inner narratives. It enables us to navigate the contrast of imperfection, fragility, and the feeling of being lost within the grand tapestry of life.
In the voyage of conscious leadership, we often turn to art and beauty to find solace during times of pain, to validate our moments of joy, and to reaffirm the moral significance of aesthetics. Moreover, as we cultivate inner space by contemplating the sacredness inherent in everyday moments, we inevitably become vessels of beauty, radiating it to those in our midst.
Art reminds us that beauty is a necessity for conscious development and leadership. It reflects the interconnectedness of our inner and outer worlds
Amidst the tumultuous currents of the modern world, we often find ourselves yearning for an ethical and organic equilibrium, something akin to the harmonious spirals of flowers or the rhythmic dance of tides. It is as if, in this era of sensory saturation, our attention and appreciation for life's simplest pleasures have waned, leaving us in a perpetual state of discontent and spiritual disconnection.
Yet, it is precisely here that art comes to our rescue, playing the multifaceted role of a poignant reminder, a generous compensation, and an illuminating guide on our path.
As we venture into the journey of conscious leadership, it's imperative that we do not underestimate the transformative potential of art, beauty, and the timeless archetypes they embody. These profound elements of human existence are repositories of wisdom, hidden in the delicate strokes of a painter's brush, the harmonious interplay of musical notes, and the captivating shapes that weave our artistic tapestry.
In essence, I extend an invitation to you—a call to embrace the concept of conscious leadership as an art form, liberated from the constraints of rigid formulas. An art that thrives on the appreciation of beauty and the relentless pursuit of balance, which serves as a guiding beacon on our collective journey. This path leads us toward a world where every individual has the opportunity to flourish, with their unique colors blending harmoniously to craft a masterpiece of collective human potential.
It's a recognition that each person represents a different hue on the canvas of existence, and it's this very diversity that provides the intricate tapestry of perspectives and tones essential for the flourishing of a conscious humanity.