Our Product Of the Day is Pure Noni. It is known as the 'All-Natural Morphine'
Hi Social Media Family! Our Product Of the Day is Pure Noni. It is known as the 'All-Natural Morphine' -- An All-Natural Pain Reliever! It is Just as Powerful As Medicine -- but Way More Healthier For You!
This powerful juice has an Absorption of 100% into your cellular level in less than 8 minutes.One bottle is a month supply for only $40 @ https://WeightLossCafe4Ever.com/AL
Visit our Online Catalog @ https://weightlosscafe4ever.com/2017Catalog-FP -- pg 8
Found in Asia & Polynesia for over 2000 years. Noni is taken as a nutrition source to promote good health due to its therapeutic uses as a natural healing agent. It is a cell re-generator that may help improve conditions like: Diabetes, arthritis, asthma, digestive issues, cancer & tumors, among others. Works as a great antibiotic. It is excellent in reducing inflammation. Diminishes pressure in arteries. Noni also calms muscles & strengthen immune system. Works on high blood pressure, migraine headaches, & kidney disorder.
Directions: Take 1 to 8 tablespoonfuls of Pure Noni 100% before breakfast & the same amount at night. In case of a medical condition in an advanced stage, take one capful every 4 hours.
**I USED to have Fibroids -- but a daily 2-oz dose of Noni every AM 1st thing has me 'Fibroid Free'!
For more info please feel free to Message Me or Visit Me On Facebook @ Dr Vanessa Ardyss; https://WeightLossCafe4Ever.com/FP
#WeightLossCafe4Ever #ArdyssPureNoni #TheMastersCall #IAmArdyss