Our priorities are all jacked up… (pt.1)
Here’s a simple thought experiment for you:?
Take a look at your average day and ask yourself this: What takes up the largest percentage of my time*?
*I’m defining “my time” as the time that is within your control during your daily schedule. For example, time at work would not be included in “my time”
Now, let’s break those daily activities down into these priority categories:
Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary
A Primary Priority is one that you categorize as a daily “must have”
A Secondary Priority is one that you would like/need on occasion.
A Tertiary Priority is one that is more of a time waster than anything.
Here’s your task:
1) Break down your day by order of percentage.?
Example: #1 Time with kids, #2 Watching TV, #3 Cooking and Cleaning, #4 Exercise
2) Compare the order of daily activities to your list of Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Priorities.
If these lists do not match (or at least close to) in order, your priorities are messed up!
Now, do that quick task. It should take no more than 3-5 minutes. You will need it for what we will cover in tomorrows article!
Take action.
Have a Wonderful Day!