Our President on Giving our Whole Hearts
Rosie's Place
Rosie's Place was founded in 1974 as the first women’s shelter in the United States.
Dear Friend,
It is hard to believe that it has been 50 years since Kip Tiernan founded Rosie’s Place. While we have much to celebrate, we still have much to do.
A half century after our doors opened, we have never been needed more.
Our Dining Room served 47% more meals this year than last year. The number of students in our Women’s Education Center has grown by 23%. And our Advocacy Helpline rings throughout the day with women seeking help to avoid eviction, to have utilities turned back on, to find housing in a Boston that has never been less affordable.
With each passing day and each guest who walks through our doors, it is affirmed that the work of Rosie’s Place must continue.
Our ambitious five-year strategic plan is underway and will grow all our programs by 25%. We will be open for more hours, seven days a week, helping thousands more women each year. And as you read about on page one, our new Behavioral Health Program will provide even greater support to our most vulnerable guests.
Of course, there was much analysis and research that went into formulating these strategies, and in equal measure there was much heart. Our plans were informed by the love we have for our guests, by the hopes we hold for their futures.
For women like Denise, who has been coming to Rosie’s Place for more than 20 years. While her family lives nearby and wishes they could care for her, due to untreated mental illness and addiction, Denise has been homeless for decades. So, for now, her mother must be content with visiting with her at Rosie’s Place, over lunch in our Dining Room—because we are the one place that Denise trusts.
Our new Behavioral Health Program will allow us to better help more women like Denise, and like Nai, whose story you read on page one—those very challenging, deeply wounded guests whom most of society has written off as beyond hope and beyond help. It is my hope that with this more expert support, someday soon Denise will be housed and stable, enjoying lunch with her mother in her own kitchen.
By expanding our programs, we will expand our welcome, making our help more accessible and more responsive to the diverse needs of our very diverse community. We will enhance access to help for the women we know well, and for the ones we’ve just met.
With you by our side, we can be a place where hope is turned into help.
Because we give our whole hearts to this work. And you give Rosie’s Place yours.
Please know that it is a gift that changes lives.
Thank you!
With gratitude,
Leemarie Mosca