Our President on Giving Support and Comfort, Hope and Love

Our President on Giving Support and Comfort, Hope and Love

Dear Friend,

Winter’s chill lays bare the vulnerability of the women we serve with a cold that can sink into one’s body, mind and spirit.

Frigid temperatures make the streets all the more perilous for homeless women. And the high costs of staying housed and warm jeopardize the fragile stability of women living in poverty. Many will have to choose between paying rent or eating dinner. Keeping the lights on or buying a holiday gift.

More women are counting on us for their most basic and critical needs. Thanks to friends like you, Rosie’s Place gives support and comfort.

It could be a warm coat, hat and gloves given to a guest in our Day Shelter. A hearty meal served to a mother and her children in our Dining Room. New pajamas and a safe, cozy bed made up in our Overnight Shelter for a woman who spent the night before in the bus station. And by providing rental and utility assistance for hundreds of women this winter, we will help them stay housed and healthy, knowing the security and comfort of their own homes.

Every day, we meet women in crisis, in despair. Struggling to maintain their sobriety, job, housing or their hard-won footing in a new country. With the expert and unwavering support of our Legal, Behavioral Health, Employment and Housing Specialists, we help our guests attain stability and seek opportunity. Because our help comes without eligibility requirements or an expiration date. Rather it comes with compassion and kindness. Rosie’s Place gives hope.

Over this holiday season, poor and homeless women may feel alone, even invisible. But at Rosie’s Place, they will feel the warm embrace of community and a sense of belonging. From celebrations in our Dining Room to holiday gifts and groceries distributed through our Food Pantry, to the comfort of a listening ear and encouraging words, our guests will know they are cared for.

Today and tomorrow, Rosie’s Place will give the women who turn to us, all of our love.

And as you read about on page one—in the months and years ahead—we will grow all our programs by 25%. So that we will provide sanctuary, support and opportunity to thousands more women in need.

For 50 years, we have given our hearts to this work, and you have given us yours. It is your friendship that moves our mission forward.

It is your generosity that brings support and comfort, hope and love to the women who need it most. For this you have my deepest gratitude.

My heartfelt best wishes for the holiday season,

Leemarie Mosca


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