Our Power Lies Within!
As business leaders, most of us have been taught the mechanics of our jobs. We’ve learned the day-to-day tasks, the 90-day plans, and how to structure a business plan; however, we are missing one very important factor that precedes all of this…internal alignment.?
Many of us are stuck in a loop where we feel we are forcing things in our lives to occur. We spend all of our time trying to acquire more skills or figure out ways to achieve our goals, but we completely overlook the power we have within.?
Everything we believe deep down inside, and say to ourselves and others, is what will manifest into reality. Working on our internal alignment and combining this with the mechanics and skillset of our jobs is where the true formula of success lies. But to achieve this level of aligned success, most of us have or will experience challenges along the way.
Challenge #1: The Material World
The issue is many of us have been taught that our true happiness comes from what we attain on this material plane. But this is not the case. The outside world doesn't shape you; you shape the outside world. And this means that we must take a deep look inside and analyze what's happening on a conscious and subconscious level, paying attention to the words we use and the belief that we hold, as this is the true reflection of what is manifested in our reality.?
We all have wishes and desires, whether for a great job, the promotion we want, or the new entrepreneurial venture we've dreamed of. And to achieve these desires, we have to rise in consciousness by being one with and aligning with those desires. But often, we aren't patient enough to see them to fruition as we exert our energy on anxiousness, worried about exactly how and when we'll see the results occur. And if they don't happen within our perceived "allowed" timeframe, we can beat ourselves up and second-guess ourselves at every corner. We can allow our limiting beliefs and negative thoughts to creep in and derail us from our desires.
Most of us have experienced someone else dictating what we should and shouldn't do from an early age. They've told us their version of success, and many of us fall victim to blindly following this formula as we seek love, success and praise. But to shift this narrative, we must find our own direction by tapping into our intuition, listening to our inner voice and following our heart and core desires. We must align with our true selves and identify when external influences are trying to lead us into things that aren't a vibrational match and pulling us from our desires.?
Challenge #2: Fear
But this journey to our desired state can be a bumpy ride. So many of us are in jobs we don't like or careers that offer no growth, and we know deep down there is more to life than this. The issue is, when we're in it, it's hard to see clearly, like we're viewing life through foggy glasses. All our fears, doubts and limiting beliefs seem so real, and we give these feelings attention, whether we realize it or not. But by feeding into them, they grow and come to life, stunting our growth and clouding our judgment, preventing us from obtaining what we really want.?
The reality is that many of us create from a place of fear because it breeds a false sense of security. These limiting beliefs that cause fear are like a piece of gum stuck to our shoe; incredibly hard to shake off. And we’ll often talk ourselves out of following the path we really want, instead staying in the job we don’t like, a career that’s going nowhere, or not pursuing our entrepreneurial dreams, because it’s comfortable and we know what the outcome will be.??
The key is understanding that our true desires will never materialize if we allow them to be clouded by fear, scarcity and doubt. The moment we start to doubt is the moment our desires freeze in time. Our reality is a reflection of who we are.? And instead of standing on the building blocks of fear, our path to success lies in lifting ourselves up internally, recognizing when we allow fear to drive our decisions instead of remaining authentic to ourselves.
?“You cannot put new wine in old bottles or new patches upon old garments. That is; you cannot take with you into the new consciousness any part of the old man. All your present beliefs, fears, and limitations are weights that bind you to your present level of consciousness.”
Challenge #3: Perceived Timelines
Trust, belief, and knowingness carry their own vibrational energy, as do decisions based on fear and scarcity.?
If we truly believe that we will attain everything we want, then we won't find ourselves questioning and speculating 'when, where, what, why, and how' our desires will manifest. We won't find ourselves caught making decisions from a place of fear, bombarded by the feelings of 'what if' it doesn't happen.??
Just like when the seasons begin to change in the north, you don't doubt that it will eventually snow. You know with an unwavering belief that it will happen, so you prepare for the change by ensuring you have boots and the proper clothing. But if it didn't snow when you assumed it would, you don't suddenly think it will never happen. You keep waiting until that first snowflake falls.
Things won’t always materialize as quickly as we’d like. But when we detach ourselves from any expectations and drop the mental checklist and boundaries we’ve created, that’s when our desires can manifest as they’re meant to. And when the timing is right, and the opportunity presents itself, you’ll be prepared, just as you would be for the first snowfall. As the saying goes, “Success is when preparedness meets opportunity.”
As simple as it sounds, we are in charge of how our lives play out.? I understand it’s easier said than done. Changing your level of consciousness isn’t a walk in the park. It takes time, internal work, a desire to change and acknowledging that our external circumstances don’t dictate our reality.?
But realizing that we are the ones who shape our external world is incredibly empowering. And by shedding our fears and limiting beliefs, just as a snake sheds its skin, we can begin to uncover our true power within and manifest anything we desire.?
As you focus on your true desires, pause and ask yourself the following questions:
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