Our Potential is virtually limitless
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Our Potential is virtually limitless

A common mistake

A common approach we have is to complain about what is happening around us. We complain about:

  • The workload
  • The working conditions
  • Our colleagues

On a long run, this kind of approach will cause:

  • Negative impact on our performances
  • Team disruption, you will no longer be seen as a productive team player
  • Job instability, because you will no longer be the perfomer you were used to be

We have to stop this tendency now, once and for all. It can be true that the workload is too high, the working conditions are impossible (no resources, no time, incredibly cumbersome processes) but we must start to think out of the normal boundaries and prevent the negative consequences to happen

What we really need to do?

What we really need to do is to realize that:Self realization is the key element in our life

First of all, we need to:

  • Keep the fire inside of us. Whatever gives us motivation is the key element for us, we need to keep this fire
  • If we meet a mentor, do not let him/her go. Stick with better person and we will be a better person

From an operative point of view start a diary where:

  1. What you really want: Set up realistic goals. For example I have a personal target to loose 1Kg every month, this is one of my personal goal. Goals must be measurable, simple and you must focus on one goal at time. It is almost useless to focus on too many goal at the same time.
  2. What you're doing to reach your goal. Plan, Do, Check, Act: this is a simple approach that really works. I will never stop to thank Mr Denming for that.
  3. Review if you listen to opinions/feedback given by other people. Classify the opinions on people and try to get the best from them. You must keep a positive approach to every comment, opinion or feedback.
  4. Make a weekly summary: this is really important for me, because in the weekly summary I realize what I have done, what I could have done better and what I left

Always remember that if you work on yourself hard enough you will get what you really want.


Carmelo - ひでやま- 英山 Marchese的更多文章

